Here is a roundup of last week's Linux security updates for AlmaLinux, Debian GNU/Linux, Fedora Linux, Oracle Linux, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Rocky Linux, Slackware Linux, SUSE Linux, and Ubuntu Linux.
- ALSA-2023:1469 Important: kernel-rt security and bug fix update
- ALSA-2023:1470 Important: kernel security, bug fix, and enhancement update
Debian GNU/Linux
- DLA 3368-1: libreoffice security update
- DSA 5379-1: dino-im security update
- DLA 3369-1: runc security update
- ELA-820-1 unbound1.9 security update
- ELA-821-1 xorg-server security update
- DSA 5380-1: xorg-server security update
- DLA 3371-1: unbound security update
- DLA 3372-1: xorg-server security update
- DLA 3370-1: xrdp security update
- ELA-823-1 joblib security update
- ELA-822-1 amanda security update
- DLA 3373-1: json-smart security update
- DLA 3193-2: joblib security update
- ELA-824-1 libmicrohttpd security update
- DLA 3374-1: libmicrohttpd security update
- DLA 3375-1: xrdp security update
- DLA 3378-1: duktape security update
- DLA 3377-1: systemd security update
- ELA-825-1 intel-microcode security update
- DLA 3379-1: intel-microcode security update
- DLA 3380-1: firmware-nonfree LTS new upstream version (security updates and newer firmware for Linux 5.10)
- DLA 3376-1: svgpp security update
Fedora Linux
- Fedora 37 Update: curl-7.85.0-8.fc37
- Fedora 36 Update: chromium-111.0.5563.110-1.fc36
- Fedora 37 Update: qemu-7.0.0-15.fc37
- Fedora 37 Update: stellarium-1.2-9.fc37
- Fedora 36 Update: stellarium-1.2-9.fc36
- Fedora 37 Update: xorg-x11-server-1.20.14-21.fc37
- Fedora 37 Update: yarnpkg-1.22.19-5.fc37
- Fedora 37 Update: mingw-python3-3.10.10-2.fc37
- Fedora 37 Update: mingw-python-certifi-2022.12.7-1.fc37
- Fedora 37 Update: mingw-zstd-1.5.4-1.fc37
- Fedora 37 Update: python-markdown-it-py-2.2.0-1.fc37
- Fedora 37 Update: redis-7.0.10-1.fc37
- Fedora 36 Update: mingw-python3-3.10.10-2.fc36
- Fedora 36 Update: moodle-3.11.13-1.fc36
- Fedora 36 Update: yarnpkg-1.22.19-5.fc36
- Fedora 36 Update: mingw-python-certifi-2022.12.7-1.fc36
- Fedora 36 Update: mingw-zstd-1.5.4-1.fc36
- Fedora 36 Update: python-cairosvg-2.7.0-1.fc36
- Fedora 37 Update: thunderbird-102.9.1-1.fc37
- Fedora 37 Update: xorg-x11-server-Xwayland-22.1.9-1.fc37
- Fedora 37 Update: golang-1.19.7-1.fc37
- Fedora 37 Update: dino-0.3.2-1.fc37
- Fedora 36 Update: netconsd-0.2-1.fc36
- Fedora 36 Update: amanda-3.5.3-1.fc36
- Fedora 37 Update: samba-4.17.7-0.fc37
- Fedora 37 Update: libldb-2.6.2-1.fc37
- Fedora 37 Update: netconsd-0.2-1.fc37
- Fedora 37 Update: amanda-3.5.3-1.fc37
- Fedora 36 Update: flatpak-1.12.8-1.fc36
- Fedora 36 Update: vim-9.0.1407-1.fc36
Oracle Linux
- New Ksplice updates for UEKR5 4.14.35 on OL7 (ELSA-2023-12199)
- ELBA-2023-12214 Oracle Linux 7 Unbreakable Enterprise kernel bug fix update (aarch64)
- ELBA-2023-12214 Oracle Linux 7 Unbreakable Enterprise kernel bug fix update
- ELBA-2023-1491 Oracle Linux 9 tzdata bug fix and enhancement update
- ELBA-2023-1491 Oracle Linux 7 tzdata bug fix and enhancement update
- ELBA-2023-12217 Oracle Linux 6 Extended Lifecycle Support (ELS) tzdata bug fix update
- ELBA-2023-1491 Oracle Linux 7 tzdata bug fix and enhancement update (aarch64)
- ELBA-2023-1491 Oracle Linux 8 tzdata bug fix and enhancement update
- ELSA-2023-1470 Important: Oracle Linux 9 kernel security, bug fix, and enhancement update
- New Ksplice updates for RHCK 9 (ELSA-2023-1470)
- ELBA-2023-1534 Oracle Linux 7 tzdata bug fix and enhancement update (aarch64)
- ELBA-2023-1534 Oracle Linux 7 tzdata bug fix and enhancement update
- ELBA-2023-1534 Oracle Linux 8 tzdata bug fix and enhancement update
- ELBA-2023-1534 Oracle Linux 9 tzdata bug fix and enhancement update
Red Hat Enterprise Linux
- RHSA-2023:1469-01: Important: kernel-rt security and bug fix update
- RHSA-2023:1470-01: Important: kernel security, bug fix, and enhancement update
- RHSA-2023:1468-01: Important: kernel security, bug fix, and enhancement update
- RHSA-2023:1472-01: Important: thunderbird security update
- RHSA-2023:1471-01: Important: kpatch-patch security update
- RHSA-2023:1467-01: Important: kernel-rt security and bug fix update
- RHSA-2023:1466-01: Important: kpatch-patch security update
- RHSA-2023:1486-01: Important: Red Hat Gluster Storage web-admin-build security update
- RHSA-2023:1479-01: Important: firefox security update
- RHSA-2023:1409-01: Moderate: OpenShift Container Platform 4.12.9 security update
- RHSA-2023:1408-01: Moderate: OpenShift Container Platform 4.12.9 packages and security update
- RHSA-2023:1392-01: Moderate: OpenShift Container Platform 4.10.55 security update
- RHSA-2023:1393-01: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.10.55 security update
- RHSA-2023:1310-01: Moderate: Logging Subsystem for Red Hat OpenShift - 5.5.9 security update
- RHSA-2023:1514-01: Important: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.4.10 on RHEL 9 security update
- RHSA-2023:1513-01: Important: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.4.10 on RHEL 8 security update
- RHSA-2023:1529-01: Moderate: Service Telemetry Framework 1.5 security update
- RHSA-2023:1512-01: Important: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.4.10 on RHEL 7 security update
- RHSA-2023:1533-01: Important: nodejs:14 security, bug fix, and enhancement update
- RHSA-2023:1516-01: Important: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.4.10 security update
Rocky Linux
- RLSA-2023:1368: Important: nss security and bug fix update
- RLSA-2023:1407: Important: thunderbird security update
- RLSA-2023:1405: Important: openssl security update
- RLSA-2023:1403: Important: thunderbird security update
- RLSA-2023:1336: Important: firefox security update
- RLBA-2023:1300: sos bug fix and enhancement update
- RLSA-2023:0946: Important: openssl security and bug fix update
Slackware Linux
- Xorg-Server (SSA:2023-088-02)
- Mozilla-Thunderbird (SSA:2023-088-01)
- Ruby (SSA:2023-090-01)
- Seamonkey (SSA:2023-090-02)
SUSE Linux
Ubuntu Linux
- USN-5954-2: Firefox regressions
- USN-5972-1: Thunderbird vulnerabilities
- USN-5976-1: Linux kernel (OEM) vulnerabilities
- USN-5977-1: Linux kernel (OEM) vulnerabilities
- USN-5978-1: Linux kernel (OEM) vulnerabilities
- USN-5975-1: Linux kernel vulnerabilities
- USN-5974-1: GraphicsMagick vulnerabilities
- USN-5973-1: url-parse vulnerabilities
- USN-5981-1: Linux kernel vulnerabilities
- USN-5982-1: Linux kernel vulnerabilities
- USN-5980-1: Linux kernel vulnerabilities
- USN-5686-4: Git vulnerability
- USN-5979-1: Linux kernel (HWE) vulnerabilities
- USN-5983-1: Nette vulnerability
- LSN-0093-1: Linux kernel vulnerability
- USN-5986-1: X.Org X Server vulnerability
- USN-5985-1: Linux kernel vulnerabilities
- USN-5984-1: Linux kernel vulnerabilities
- USN-5987-1: Linux kernel vulnerabilities
- USN-5988-1: Xcftools vulnerabilities
- USN-5990-1: musl vulnerabilities
- USN-5989-1: GlusterFS vulnerability
- USN-5991-1: Linux kernel (GCP) vulnerabilities