Here is a roundup of last week's Linux security updates for AlmaLinux,
CentOS, Debian GNU/Linux, Fedora Linux, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Slackware Linux, SUSE Linux, and Ubuntu Linux.
- ALSA-2023:3819 Moderate: kernel-rt security and bug fix update
- ALSA-2023:3847 Moderate: kernel security, bug fix, and enhancement update
- CESA-2023:2077 Important CentOS 7 libwebp Security Update
- CESA-2023:1904 Important CentOS 7 java-1.8.0-openjdk Security Update
- CEBA-2023:1989 CentOS 7 cronie BugFix Update
- CEBA-2023:1990 CentOS 7 ipa BugFix Update
- CESA-2023:3145 Important CentOS 7 apr-util Security Update
- CESA-2023:3263 Important CentOS 7 git Security Update
- CEBA-2023:3333 CentOS 7 httpd BugFix Update
- CESA-2022:8958 Important CentOS 7 bcel Security Update
- CEBA-2023:3483 CentOS 7 nss-pem BugFix Update
- CEBA-2023:3482 CentOS 7 slapi-nis BugFix Update
- CEBA-2023:3486 CentOS 7 geoipupdate BugFix Update
- CEBA-2023:3487 CentOS 7 pki-core BugFix Update
- CESA-2023:3481 Moderate CentOS 7 emacs Security Update
- CESA-2023:3555 Important CentOS 7 python Security Update
- CESA-2023:3556 Important CentOS 7 python3 Security Update
- CESA-2023:3741 Important CentOS 7 c-ares Security Update
- CESA-2023:3944 Low CentOS 7 open-vm-tools Security Update
Debian GNU/Linux
- DLA 3501-1: renderdoc security update
- DLA 3504-1: gst-plugins-base1.0 security update
- ELA-898-1 bind9 security update
- ELA-897-1 python-werkzeug security update
- DLA 3502-1: python-git security update
- DSA 5459-1: amd64-microcode security update
- DLA 3507-1: pandoc security update
- DSA 5458-1: openjdk-17 security update
- DLA 3503-1: gst-plugins-bad1.0 security update
- DLA 3505-1: gst-plugins-good1.0 security update
- DLA 3506-1: iperf3 security update
- ELA-900-1 gst-plugins-good1.0 security update
- ELA-899-1 gst-plugins-base1.0 security update
- ELA-898-1 gst-plugins-bad1.0 security update
- DSA 5460-1: curl security update
- Liquorix Linux Kernel 6.4-8 released
- DLA 3509-1: libmail-dkim-perl update
- ELA-903-1 phpseclib security update
- ELA-902-1 iperf3 security update
- ELA-901-1 openjdk-8 security update
- DLA 3508-1: linux security update
- ELA-904-1 bind9 security update
- ELA-905-1 ckeditor security update
Fedora Linux
- Fedora 37 Update: thunderbird-102.13.0-1.fc37
- Fedora 38 Update: kitty-0.29.1-1.fc38
- Fedora 38 Update: 389-ds-base-2.3.5-1.fc38
- Fedora 37 Update: mingw-qt6-qtbase-6.5.1-2.fc37
- Fedora 37 Update: kitty-0.26.5-6.fc37
- Fedora 38 Update: mingw-qt5-qtbase-5.15.10-2.fc38
- Fedora 38 Update: mingw-qt6-qtbase-6.5.1-2.fc38
- Fedora 37 Update: openssh-8.8p1-11.fc37
- Fedora 38 Update: iperf3-3.14-1.fc38
- Fedora 37 Update: iperf3-3.14-1.fc37
Red Hat Enterprise Linux
- RHSA-2023:4255-01: Important: kernel-rt security and bug fix update
- RHSA-2023:4262-01: Important: kpatch-patch security update
- RHSA-2023:4252-01: Important: edk2 security update
- RHSA-2023:4256-01: Important: kernel security and bug fix update
- RHSA-2023:4276-01: Moderate: DevWorkspace Operator Security Update
- RHSA-2023:4282-01: Important: Red Hat Virtualization Host 4.4.z SP 1 security update
- RHSA-2023:4283-01: Moderate: Red Hat OpenStack Platform 16.2 (openstack-neutron) security update
- RHSA-2023:4226-01: Moderate: OpenShift Container Platform 4.13.6 bug fix and security update
- RHSA-2023:4293-01: Moderate: Migration Toolkit for Containers (MTC) 1.7.11 security and bug fix update
- RHSA-2023:4225-01: Moderate: OpenShift Container Platform 4.13.6 security and extras update
- RHSA-2023:4290-01: Moderate: OpenShift sandboxed containers 1.4.1 security update
- RHSA-2023:4286-01: Moderate: Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces Security Update
- RHSA-2023:4287-01: Moderate: Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation 4.12.5 security and bug fix update
- RHSA-2023:4313-01: Moderate: rh-postgresql12-postgresql security update
- RHSA-2023:4289-01: Important: OpenShift API for Data Protection (OADP) 1.0.11 security and bug fix update
Slackware Linux
SUSE Linux
- openSUSE-SU-2023:0191-1: moderate: Security update for zabbix
- SUSE-SU-2023:2956-1: moderate: Security update for libcap
- SUSE-SU-2023:2957-1: important: Security update for python39
- SUSE-SU-2023:2958-1: important: Security update for MozillaFirefox
- SUSE-SU-2023:2962-1: moderate: Security update for openssl-1_1
- SUSE-SU-2023:2945-1: important: Security update for openssh
- SUSE-SU-2023:2974-1: moderate: Security update for netty, netty-tcnative
- SUSE-SU-2023:2979-1: moderate: Security update for mysql-connector-java
- SUSE-SU-2023:2980-1: moderate: Security update for php7
- SUSE-SU-2023:2982-1: important: Security update for libqt5-qtbase
- SUSE-SU-2023:2981-1: moderate: Security update for libqt5-qtsvg
- SUSE-SU-2023:2969-1: moderate: Security update for libqt5-qtsvg
- SUSE-SU-2023:2970-1: moderate: Security update for python-scipy
- SUSE-SU-2023:2965-1: moderate: Security update for openssl-1_1
- openSUSE-SU-2023:0193-1: important: Security update for chromium
- SUSE-SU-2023:2987-1: important: Security update for iperf
- SUSE-SU-2023:2988-1: important: Security update for conmon
- SUSE-SU-2023:2989-1: important: Security update for conmon
- SUSE-SU-2023:3002-1: moderate: Security update for go1.20-openssl
- SUSE-SU-2023:3010-1: moderate: Security update for cdi-apiserver-container
- SUSE-SU-2023:3011-1: moderate: Security update for openssl-3
- SUSE-SU-2023:3013-1: moderate: Security update for openssl-3
Ubuntu Linux
- USN-6240-1: FRR vulnerability
- USN-6241-1: OpenStack vulnerability
- USN-6242-1: OpenSSH vulnerability
- USN-6245-1: Trove vulnerabilities
- LSN-0096-1: Linux kernel vunerability
- USN-6243-1: Graphite-Web vulnerabilities
- USN-6250-1: Linux kernel vulnerabilities
- USN-6244-1: AMD Microcode vulnerability
- USN-6129-2: Avahi vulnerability
- USN-6249-1: Linux kernel (OEM) vulnerabilities
- USN-6247-1: Linux kernel (OEM) vulnerabilities
- USN-6246-1: Linux kernel vulnerabilities
- USN-6248-1: Linux kernel (OEM) vulnerabilities
- USN-6203-2: Django vulnerability
- USN-5807-3: libXpm vulnerability
- USN-6252-1: Linux kernel vulnerabilities
- USN-6251-1: Linux kernel vulnerabilities
- USN-6254-1: Linux kernel vulnerabilities
- USN-6253-1: libvirt vulnerability
- USN-6255-1: Linux kernel (Intel IoTG) vulnerabilities
- USN-6256-1: Linux kernel (IoT) vulnerabilities
- USN-6257-1: Open VM Tools vulnerability
- USN-5193-3: X.Org X Server vulnerabilities
- USN-6258-1: LLVM Toolchain vulnerabilities
- USN-6259-1: Open-iSCSI vulnerabilities
- USN-6260-1: Linux kernel vulnerabilities
- USN-6261-1: Linux kernel (IoT) vulnerabilities