Here is a roundup of last week's Linux security updates for AlmaLinux, Debian GNU/Linux, Fedora Linux,
Oracle Linux, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, SUSE Linux, and Ubuntu Linux.
- ALSA-2023:4634 Important: rust security update
- ALSA-2023:4642 Important: .NET 7.0 security, bug fix, and enhancement update
- ALSA-2023:4644 Important: .NET 6.0 security, bug fix, and enhancement update
- ALSA-2023:4635 Important: rust-toolset:rhel8 security update
- ALSA-2023:4643 Important: .NET 7.0 security, bug fix, and enhancement update
- ALSA-2023:4645 Important: .NET 6.0 security, bug fix, and enhancement update
Debian GNU/Linux
- DLA 3527-1: sox security update
- DLA 3526-1: libreoffice security update
- ELA-918-1 sox security update
- DLA 3426-3: netatalk regression update
- ELA-919-1 hdf5 security update
- DLA 3528-1: poppler security update
- DSA 5477-1: samba security update
- DLA 3529-1: datatables.js security update
- ELA-920-1 datatables.js security update
- DLA 3530-1: openssl security update
- DSA 5478-1: openjdk-11 security update
- DLA 3531-1: open-vm-tools security update
- DLA 3532-1: openssh security update
- ELA-922-1: rar security update
- ELA-921-1: unrar-nonfree security update
- ELA-924-1: open-vm-tools security update
- ELA-923-1: libssh security update
- DSA 5479-1: chromium security update
- DLA 3535-1: unrar-nonfree security update
- DLA 3534-1: rar security update
- ELA-926-1 opendmarc security update
- ELA-925-1 openssh security update
- DSA 5480-1: linux security update
Fedora Linux
- Fedora 38 Update: kernel-6.4.10-200.fc38
- Fedora 38 Update: java-latest-openjdk-portable-
- Fedora 38 Update: java-1.8.0-openjdk-portable-
- Fedora 37 Update: kernel-6.4.10-100.fc37
- Fedora 37 Update: java-latest-openjdk-portable-
- Fedora 37 Update: java-1.8.0-openjdk-portable-
- Fedora 38 Update: microcode_ctl-2.1-55.1.fc38
- Fedora 38 Update: xen-4.17.2-1.fc38
- Fedora 38 Update: java-latest-openjdk-
- Fedora 37 Update: ghostscript-9.56.1-9.fc37
- Fedora 37 Update: java-latest-openjdk-
- Fedora 37 Update: java-11-openjdk-
- Fedora 38 Update: opensc-0.23.0-5.fc38
- Fedora 37 Update: llhttp-8.1.1-1.fc37
- Fedora 37 Update: rust-1.71.1-1.fc37
- Fedora 37 Update: opensc-0.23.0-5.fc37
- Fedora 37 Update: librsvg2-2.54.6-1.fc37
- Fedora 38 Update: trafficserver-9.2.2-1.fc38
- Fedora 37 Update: microcode_ctl-2.1-53.2.fc37
- Fedora 37 Update: webkitgtk-2.40.5-1.fc37
- Fedora 38 Update: java-1.8.0-openjdk-
- Fedora 37 Update: java-1.8.0-openjdk-
- Fedora 37 Update: chromium-115.0.5790.170-2.fc37
- Fedora 37 Update: gerbv-2.9.8-1.fc37
- Fedora 38 Update: chromium-116.0.5845.96-1.fc38
- Fedora 38 Update: libreswan-4.12-1.fc38
- Fedora 38 Update: dotnet7.0-7.0.110-1.fc38
- Fedora 38 Update: dotnet6.0-6.0.121-1.fc38
- Fedora 37 Update: libreswan-4.12-1.fc37
- Fedora 37 Update: dotnet7.0-7.0.110-1.fc37
- Fedora 37 Update: dotnet6.0-6.0.121-1.fc37
Oracle Linux
- New Ksplice updates for RHCK 9 (ELSA-2023-4377)
- ELBA-2023-12583 Oracle Linux 7 gdb bug fix update (aarch64)
- ELBA-2023-12703 Oracle Linux 7 pcp bug fix update (aarch64)
- ELEA-2023-4636 Oracle Linux 7 microcode_ctl bug fix and enhancement update
- ELSA-2023-4570 Important: Oracle Linux 8 iperf3 security update
- ELSA-2023-12722 Moderate: Oracle Linux 7 microcode_ctl security update
- ELSA-2023-4539 Moderate: Oracle Linux 8 postgresql:10 security update
- ELSA-2023-4645 Important: Oracle Linux 8 .NET 6.0 security, bug fix, and enhancement update
- ELSA-2023-4520 Moderate: Oracle Linux 8 python-requests security update
- ELBA-2023-4518 Oracle Linux 8 iscsi-initiator-utils bug fix update
- ELBA-2023-4538 Oracle Linux 8 java-11-openjdk bug fix and enhancement update
- ELBA-2023-4530 Oracle Linux 8 cloud-init bug fix update
- ELBA-2023-4521 Oracle Linux 8 NetworkManager bug fix update
- ELSA-2023-4643 Important: Oracle Linux 8 .NET 7.0 security, bug fix, and enhancement update
- ELBA-2023-4522 Oracle Linux 8 grub2 bug fix update
- ELBA-2023-3826 Oracle Linux 8 pacemaker bug fix update
- ELEA-2023-3843 Oracle Linux 8 microcode_ctl bug fix and enhancement update
- ELBA-2023-4526 Oracle Linux 8 systemd bug fix update
- ELBA-2023-12727 Oracle Linux 8 scap-security-guide bug fix update
- ELSA-2023-12723 Moderate: Oracle Linux 8 microcode_ctl security update
- ELBA-2023-4358 Oracle Linux 9 systemd bug update
- ELSA-2023-4642 Important: Oracle Linux 9 .NET 7.0 security, bug fix, and enhancement update
- ELSA-2023-4644 Important: Oracle Linux 9 .NET 6.0 security, bug fix, and enhancement update
- ELSA-2023-4571 Important: Oracle Linux 9 iperf3 security update
- ELBA-2023-3732 Oracle Linux 9 selinux-policy bug fix update
- ELBA-2023-4370 Oracle Linux 9 pcp bug fix and enhancement update
- ELBA-2023-4592 Oracle Linux 9 nodejs bug fix update
- ELBA-2023-4351 Oracle Linux 9 libnvme bug fix update
- ELSA-2023-12724 Moderate: Oracle Linux 9 microcode_ctl security update
Red Hat Enterprise Linux
- RHSA-2023:4627-01: Important: Migration Toolkit for Applications security and bug fix update
- RHSA-2023:4644-01: Important: .NET 6.0 security, bug fix, and enhancement update
- RHSA-2023:4639-01: Important: .NET 6.0 security update
- RHSA-2023:4634-01: Important: rust security update
- RHSA-2023:4650-01: Critical: Multicluster Engine for Kubernetes 2.2.7 security updates and bug fixes
- RHSA-2023:4643-01: Important: .NET 7.0 security, bug fix, and enhancement update
- RHSA-2023:4645-01: Important: .NET 6.0 security, bug fix, and enhancement update
- RHSA-2023:4635-01: Important: rust-toolset:rhel8 security update
- RHSA-2023:4640-01: Important: .NET 6.0 security update
- RHSA-2023:4642-01: Important: .NET 7.0 security, bug fix, and enhancement update
- RHSA-2023:4641-01: Important: rh-dotnet60-dotnet security, bug fix, and enhancement update
- RHSA-2023:4651-01: Important: rust-toolset-1.66-rust security update
- RHSA-2023:4655-01: Moderate: redhat-ds:11 security, bug fix, and enhancement update
- RHSA-2023:4603-01: Moderate: OpenShift Container Platform 4.13.9 bug fix and security update
- RHSA-2023:4582-01: Moderate: Release of containers for Red Hat OpenStack Platform 17.1 director Operator
- RHSA-2023:4628-01: Moderate: Red Hat JBoss Core Services Apache HTTP Server 2.4.57 security update
- RHSA-2023:4654-01: Critical: Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management 2.7.7 security and bug fix updates
- RHSA-2023:4629-01: Moderate: Red Hat JBoss Core Services Apache HTTP Server 2.4.57 security update
- RHSA-2023:4612-01: Important: Red Hat support for Spring Boot 2.7.13 security update
- RHSA-2023:4664-01: Important: OpenShift Virtualization 4.13.3 Images security and bug fix update
SUSE Linux
- SUSE-SU-2023:3302-1: important: Security update for the Linux Kernel
- SUSE-SU-2023:3301-1: moderate: Security update for libyajl
- SUSE-SU-2023:3298-1: moderate: Security update for kernel-firmware
- SUSE-SU-2023:3287-1: important: Security update for java-11-openjdk
- SUSE-SU-2023:3290-1: moderate: Security update for qatengine
- SUSE-SU-2023:3292-1: moderate: Security update for poppler
- openSUSE-SU-2023:0219-1: important: Security update for opensuse-welcome
- openSUSE-SU-2023:0222-1: moderate: Security update for perl-HTTP-Tiny
- openSUSE-SU-2023:0223-1: moderate: Security update for perl-HTTP-Tiny
- SUSE-SU-2023:3325-1: important: Security update for krb5
- SUSE-SU-2023:3327-1: moderate: Security update for pcre2
- SUSE-SU-2023:3318-1: important: Security update for the Linux Kernel
- SUSE-SU-2023:3311-1: important: Security update for the Linux Kernel
- SUSE-SU-2023:3313-1: important: Security update for the Linux Kernel
- SUSE-SU-2023:3305-1: important: Security update for java-1_8_0-openj9
- openSUSE-SU-2023:0225-1: moderate: Security update for perl-Cpanel-JSON-XS
- openSUSE-SU-2023:0230-1: moderate: Security update for opensuse-welcome
- SUSE-SU-2023:3353-1: moderate: Security update for re2c
- SUSE-SU-2023:3344-1: moderate: Security update for postgresql15
- SUSE-SU-2023:3347-1: moderate: Security update for postgresql15
- SUSE-SU-2023:3348-1: moderate: Security update for postgresql15
- SUSE-SU-2023:3338-1: moderate: Security update for openssl-1_0_0
- SUSE-SU-2023:3332-1: low: Security update for java-1_8_0-openj9
Ubuntu Linux
- USN-6280-1: PyPDF2 vulnerability
- USN-6286-1: Intel Microcode vulnerabilities
- USN-4897-2: Pygments vulnerabilities
- USN-6287-1: Go yaml vulnerabilities
- USN-6289-1: WebKitGTK vulnerabilities
- USN-6288-1: MySQL vulnerabilities
- USN-6290-1: LibTIFF vulnerabilities
- USN-6293-1: OpenStack Heat vulnerability
- USN-6292-1: Ceph vulnerability
- USN-6291-1: GStreamer vulnerability
- USN-6295-1: Podman vulnerability
- USN-6297-1: Ghostscript vulnerability
- USN-6298-1: ZZIPlib vulnerabilities
- USN-6296-1: PostgreSQL vulnerabilities
- USN-6299-1: poppler vulnerabilities