Here is a roundup of last week's Linux security updates for Debian GNU/Linux, Fedora Linux, Gentoo Linux, Oracle Linux, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Rocky Linux, Slackware Linux, SUSE Linux, and Ubuntu Linux.
Debian GNU/Linux
- ELA-960-1 libapache-mod-jk security update
- ELA-959-1 tomcat8 security update
- DLA 3580-1: libapache-mod-jk security update
- ELA-961-1 linux-5.10 new linux version
- DLA 3581-1: flac security update
- DLA 3582-1: ghostscript security update
- DLA 3583-1: glib2.0 security update
- ELA-965-1 tomcat7 security update
- ELA-963-1 plexus-utils2 security update
- ELA-962-1 elfutils security update
- DLA 3585-1: exempi security update
- DLA 3584-1: netatalk security update
- DSA 5505-1: lldpd security update
- ELA-964-1 glib2.0 security update
- ELA-966-1 openssl1.0 security update
- DLA 3586-1: ncurses security update
- ELA-967-1 ncurses security update
- DSA 5506-1: firefox-esr security update
- DSA 5507-1: jetty9 security update
- ELA-968-1 libreoffice security update
- DLA 3589-1: python-git security update
- DSA 5509-1: firefox-esr security update
- DSA 5508-1: chromium security update
- ELA-971-1 libwebp security update
- ELA-968-1 libreoffice security update
- DLA 3587-1: firefox-esr security update
- ELA-969-1 graphicsmagick security update
- DLA 3588-1: vim security update
- DSA 5510-1: libvpx security update
- DLA 3590-1: python-reportlab security update
- DLA 3591-1: firefox-esr security update
- ELA-970-1 libreoffice security update
- DLA 3592-1: jetty9 security update
- ELA-942-2 qpdf regression update
- DLA 3593-1: gerbv security update
- DLA 3596-1: firmware-nonfree security update
- DLA 3595-1: trafficserver security update
- DLA 3594-1: cups security update
- ELA-974-1 ghostscript security update
- ELA-973-1 libvpx security update
- ELA-972-1 exempi security update
Fedora Linux
- Fedora 37 Update: linux-firmware-20230919-1.fc37
- Fedora 37 Update: curl-7.85.0-11.fc37
- Fedora 38 Update: libppd-2.0~rc2-4.fc38
- Fedora 38 Update: firefox-118.0-1.fc38
- Fedora 38 Update: emacs-28.3-0.rc1.fc38
- Fedora 38 Update: python-oauthlib-3.2.2-1.fc38
- Fedora 38 Update: libkrun-1.5.0-6.fc38
- Fedora 38 Update: virtiofsd-1.7.0-4.fc38
- Fedora 38 Update: firecracker-1.4.1-2.fc38
- Fedora 37 Update: firecracker-1.4.1-2.fc37
- Fedora 38 Update: libwebp-1.3.2-2.fc38
- Fedora 38 Update: webkitgtk-2.42.1-1.fc38
- Fedora 38 Update: xen-4.17.2-2.fc38
- Fedora 37 Update: firefox-118.0-1.fc37
- Fedora 37 Update: giflib-5.2.1-17.fc37
- Fedora 38 Update: libvpx-1.13.0-5.fc38
Gentoo Linux
- GLSA 202309-10: Fish: User-assisted execution of arbitrary code
- GLSA 202309-09: Pacemaker: Multiple Vulnerabilities
- GLSA 202309-11: libsndfile: Multiple Vulnerabilities
- GLSA 202309-12: sudo: Multiple Vulnerabilities
- GLSA 202309-14: libarchive: Multiple Vulnerabilities
- GLSA 202309-13: GMP: Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
- GLSA 202309-15: GNU Binutils: Multiple Vulnerabilities
- GLSA 202309-16: wpa_supplicant, hostapd: Multiple Vulnerabilities
- GLSA 202309-17: Chromium, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge: Multiple Vulnerabilities
Oracle Linux
- ELSA-2023-12825 Important: Oracle Linux 8 Unbreakable Enterprise kernel security update
- ELSA-2023-12824 Important: Oracle Linux 8 Unbreakable Enterprise kernel security update
- ELBA-2023-5265 Oracle Linux 8 389-ds:1.4 bug fix update
- ELSA-2023-12825 Important: Oracle Linux 8 Unbreakable Enterprise kernel security update
- ELSA-2023-12825 Important: Oracle Linux 7 Unbreakable Enterprise kernel security update
- ELBA-2023-12832 Oracle Linux 7 pesign bug fix update (aarch64)
- ELSA-2023-12835 Moderate: Oracle Linux 7 qemu security update (aarch64)
- ELBA-2023-12831 Oracle Linux 7 pesign bug fix update
- ELSA-2023-12826 Important: Oracle Linux 7 Unbreakable Enterprise kernel security update
- ELSA-2023-12824 Important: Oracle Linux 9 Unbreakable Enterprise kernel security update
- ELSA-2023-12824 Important: Oracle Linux 9 Unbreakable Enterprise kernel security update
- ELSA-2023-12826 Important: Oracle Linux 7 Unbreakable Enterprise kernel security update (aarch64)
- ELSA-2023-12836 Important: Oracle Linux 9 kernel security update
- ELBA-2023-5298 Oracle Linux 9 fido-device-onboard bug fix and enhancement update
- ELBA-2023-5261 Oracle Linux 8 pacemaker bug fix update
- ELEA-2023-5065 Oracle Linux 9 crypto-policies enhancement update
- ELSA-2023-5353 Moderate: Oracle Linux 8 libtiff security update
- ELBA-2023-12833 Oracle Linux 8 oracle-gluster-release-el8 bug fix update
- New Ksplice updates for UEKR6 5.4.17 on OL7 and OL8 (ELSA-2023-12782)
- ELBA-2023-5354 Oracle Linux 9 sos bug fix and enhancement update
- ELSA-2023-5363 Important: Oracle Linux 9 nodejs18 security, bug fix, and enhancement update
- ELBA-2023-5062 Oracle Linux 9 selinux-policy bug fix update
- ELBA-2023-5354 Oracle Linux 8 sos bug fix and enhancement update
- ELSA-2023-5360 Important: Oracle Linux 8 nodejs:16 security, bug fix, and enhancement update
- ELSA-2023-5362 Important: Oracle Linux 8 nodejs:18 security, bug fix, and enhancement update
- ELBA-2023-5251 Oracle Linux 8 iptables bug fix advisory
- New Ksplice updates for RHCK 8 (ELSA-2023-5244)
- ELSA-2023-12839 Important: Oracle Linux 8 kernel security update
- ELBA-2023-5253 Oracle Linux 8 selinux-policy bug fix update
- ELBA-2023-12840 Oracle Linux 8 cobbler bug fix update
Red Hat Enterprise Linux
- RHSA-2023:5353-01: Moderate: libtiff security update
- RHSA-2023:5362-01: Important: nodejs:18 security, bug fix, and enhancement update
- RHSA-2023:5360-01: Important: nodejs:16 security, bug fix, and enhancement update
- RHSA-2023:5361-01: Important: nodejs:16 security, bug fix, and enhancement update
- RHSA-2023:5363-01: Important: nodejs:18 security, bug fix, and enhancement update
- RHSA-2023:5379-01: Important: Network Observability 1.4.0 for OpenShift
- RHSA-2023:5376-01: Important: Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation 4.13.3 security and bug fix update
- RHSA-2023:5396-01: Moderate: Red Hat Data Grid 8.4.4 security update
- RHSA-2023:5405-01: Low: virt:av and virt-devel:av security update
- RHSA-2023:5407-01: Moderate: openshift-gitops-kam security update
Rocky Linux
- RLBA-2023:5298: fido-device-onboard bug fix and enhancement update
- RLSA-2023:5313: Important: open-vm-tools security update
- RLSA-2023:5061: Moderate: dmidecode security update
- RLBA-2023:5268: ipa bug fix update
- RLBA-2023:5265: 389-ds:1.4 bug fix update
- RLSA-2023:5309: Important: libwebp security update
- RLSA-2023:5244: Important: kernel security, bug fix, and enhancement update
- RLBA-2023:5250: findutils bug fix update
- RLSA-2023:5312: Important: open-vm-tools security update
Slackware Linux
- Mozilla-Firefox (SSA:2023-269-01)
- Mozilla-Firefox (SSA:2023-271-01)
- Mozilla-Thunderbird (SSA:2023-273-02)
- libvpx (SSA:2023-273-01)
SUSE Linux
- SUSE-SU-2023:3737-1: important: Security update for bind
- SUSE-SU-2023:3728-1: moderate: Security update for libqb
- SUSE-SU-2023:3683-2: important: Security update for the Linux Kernel
- SUSE-SU-2023:3704-2: important: Security update for the Linux Kernel
- SUSE-SU-2023:3722-1: moderate: Security update for rust, rust1.72
- SUSE-SU-2023:3600-2: important: Security update for the Linux Kernel
- SUSE-SU-2023:3599-2: important: Security update for the Linux Kernel
- SUSE-SU-2023:3721-1: important: Security update for qemu
- SUSE-SU-2023:3709-1: important: Security update for frr
- SUSE-SU-2023:3710-1: moderate: Security update for openvswitch3
- SUSE-SU-2023:3711-1: low: Security update for redis7
- SUSE-SU-2023:3714-1: important: Security update for rubygem-rails-html-sanitizer
- SUSE-SU-2023:3707-1: important: Security update for cups
- SUSE-SU-2023:3708-1: important: Security update for python39
- SUSE-SU-2023:3753-1: important: Security update for webkit2gtk3
- openSUSE-SU-2023:0253-1: important: Security update for renderdoc
- openSUSE-SU-2023:0257-1: moderate: Security update for modsecurity
- openSUSE-SU-2023:0259-1: moderate: Security update for python-GitPython
- openSUSE-SU-2023:0260-1: moderate: Security update for python-CairoSVG
- openSUSE-SU-2023:0272-1: moderate: Security update for python-CairoSVG
- openSUSE-SU-2023:0271-1: moderate: Security update for python-GitPython
- openSUSE-SU-2023:0270-1: moderate: Security update for Cadence
- openSUSE-SU-2023:0267-1: moderate: Security update for tcpreplay
- openSUSE-SU-2023:0269-1: moderate: Security update for modsecurity
- SUSE-SU-2023:3762-1: important: Security update for frr
- openSUSE-SU-2023:0275-1: important: Security update for cacti, cacti-spine
- openSUSE-SU-2023:0275-1: important: Security update for cacti, cacti-spine
- SUSE-SU-2023:3792-1: moderate: Security update for ImageMagick
- SUSE-SU-2023:3790-1: important: Security update for wire
- SUSE-SU-2023:3791-1: moderate: Security update for postfix
- SUSE-SU-2023:3858-1: moderate: Security update for gsl
- SUSE-SU-2023:3859-1: moderate: Security update for pmix
- SUSE-SU-2023:3862-1: moderate: Security update for salt
- SUSE-SU-2023:3863-1: moderate: Security update for salt
- SUSE-SU-2023:3868-1: important: Security update for SUSE Manager Client Tools
- SUSE-SU-2023:3886-1: important: Security update for grafana
- SUSE-SU-2023:3815-1: important: Security update for cni
- SUSE-SU-2023:3816-1: important: Security update for cni-plugins
- SUSE-SU-2023:3817-1: important: Security update for containerd
- SUSE-SU-2023:3818-1: moderate: Security update for ffmpeg
- SUSE-SU-2023:3820-1: important: Security update for busybox
- SUSE-SU-2023:3821-1: important: Security update for bind
- SUSE-SU-2023:3822-1: moderate: Security update for supportutils
- SUSE-SU-2023:3823-1: important: Security update for curl
- SUSE-SU-2023:3824-1: important: Security update for python310
- SUSE-SU-2023:3825-1: important: Security update for binutils
- SUSE-SU-2023:3826-1: moderate: Security update for mutt
- SUSE-SU-2023:3827-1: moderate: Security update for python-brotlipy
- SUSE-SU-2023:3828-1: important: Security update for python3
- SUSE-SU-2023:3829-1: critical: Security update for libwebp
- SUSE-SU-2023:3830-1: moderate: Security update for xrdp
- SUSE-SU-2023:3831-1: important: Security update for xen
- SUSE-SU-2023:3832-1: important: Security update for xen
- SUSE-SU-2023:3833-1: moderate: Security update for exempi
- SUSE-SU-2023:3835-1: important: Securitys update for open-vm-tools
- SUSE-SU-2023:3839-1: important: Security update for quagga
- SUSE-SU-2023:3840-1: important: Security update for go1.20-openssl
- SUSE-SU-2023:3841-1: important: Security update for go1.19-openssl
- SUSE-SU-2023:3805-1: important: Security update for bind
- SUSE-SU-2023:3813-1: important: Security update for rubygem-actionview-5_1
- SUSE-SU-2023:3806-1: important: Security update for the Linux Kernel RT (Live Patch 3 for SLE 15 SP5)
- SUSE-SU-2023:3801-1: important: Security update for gstreamer-plugins-base
- openSUSE-SU-2023:0277-1: critical: Security update for chromium
Ubuntu Linux
- USN-6190-2: AccountsService vulnerability
- USN-6365-2: Open VM Tools vulnerability
- USN-6361-2: CUPS vulnerability
- USN-6396-1: Linux kernel vulnerabilities
- USN-6397-1: Linux kernel (BlueField) vulnerabilities
- USN-6387-2: Linux kernel vulnerabilities
- USN-6398-1: ReadyMedia vulnerabilities
- USN-6399-1: Puma vulnerability
- USN-6369-2: libwebp vulnerability
- USN-6400-1: Python vulnerability
- USN-6386-2: Linux kernel (Raspberry Pi) vulnerabilities
