Here is a roundup of last week's Linux security updates for AlmaLinux, Debian GNU/Linux, Fedora Linux, Gentoo Linux, Oracle Linux, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Rocky Linux, Slackware Linux, SUSE Linux, and Ubuntu Linux.
- ALSA-2024:6997: kernel security update (Important)
- ALSA-2024:2758: kernel security and bug fix update (Moderate)
- ALSA-2024:5928: kernel security update (Important)
- ALSA-2024:5363: kernel security update (Important)
- ALSA-2024:4928: kernel security update (Moderate)
- ALSA-2024:4583: kernel security update (Important)
- ALSA-2024:4349: kernel security and bug fix update (Moderate)
- ALSA-2024:3619: kernel security and bug fix update (Moderate)
- ALSA-2024:3306: kernel security and bug fix update (Moderate)
- ALSA-2024:6567: kernel security update (Moderate)
- ALSA-2024:2394: kernel security, bug fix, and enhancement update (Important)
- ALSA-2024:8617: kernel security update (Moderate)
- ALSA-2024:8678: grafana security update (Important)
- ALSA-2024:8680: mod_http2 security update (Low)
- ALSA-2024:8729: firefox security update (Moderate)
- ALSA-2024:8800: openexr security update (Important)
- ALSA-2024:8793: thunderbird security update (Moderate)
- ALSA-2024:8726: firefox security update (Moderate)
- ALSA-2024:8790: thunderbird security update (Moderate)
- ALSA-2024:8914: libtiff security update (Moderate)
- ALSA-2024:8831: bcc security update (Low)
- ALSA-2024:8834: python-gevent security update (Important)
- ALSA-2024:8836: python3.12 security update (Moderate)
- ALSA-2024:8847: grafana-pcp security update (Moderate)
- ALSA-2024:8798: xorg-x11-server and xorg-x11-server-Xwayland security update (Moderate)
- ALSA-2024:8856: kernel security update (Moderate)
- ALSA-2024:8849: haproxy security update (Moderate)
- ALSA-2024:8860: krb5 security update (Important)
- ALSA-2024:8830: bpftrace security update (Low)
- ALSA-2024:8870: kernel-rt security update (Moderate)
- ALSA-2024:8859: xmlrpc-c security update (Moderate)
- ALSA-2024:8838: python3.11 security update (Moderate)
- ALSA-2024:8922: bzip2 security update (Low)
- ALSA-2024:8846: container-tools:rhel8 security update (Important)
- ALSA-2024:8843: python3.11-urllib3 security update (Moderate)
- ALSA-2024:8833: libtiff security update (Moderate)
- ALSA-2024:8842: python3.12-urllib3 security update (Moderate)
- ALSA-2024:8935: edk2 security update (Moderate)
Debian GNU/Linux
- ELA-1227-1 libxml2 security update
- [DSA 5802-1] chromium security update
- ELA-1228-1 openjdk-8 security update
- [DLA 3944-1] thunderbird security update
- ELA-1230-1 context bugfix update
- ELA-1229-1 libheif security update
- [DLA 3945-1] libheif security update
- [DLA 3946-1] context bugfix update
- [DSA 5803-1] thunderbird security update
- [SECURITY] [DLA 3947-1] puma security update
- ELA-1230-1 context bugfix update
- [DLA 3948-1] pypy3 security update
- [DSA 5804-1] webkit2gtk security update
- [SECURITY] [DSA 5805-1] guix security update
- [SECURITY] [DSA 5806-1] libarchive security update
- ELA-1231-1 nss security update
Fedora Linux
- Fedora 41 Update: chromium-130.0.6723.91-1.fc41
- Fedora 40 Update: chromium-130.0.6723.91-1.fc40
- Fedora 39 Update: chromium-130.0.6723.91-1.fc39
- Fedora 39 Update: webkitgtk-2.46.3-1.fc39
- Fedora 40 Update: llama-cpp-b3561-1.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: python-quart-0.19.8-1.fc40
- Fedora 41 Update: python-quart-0.19.8-1.fc41
- Fedora 40 Update: thunderbird-128.4.0-1.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: syncthing-1.28.0-1.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: php-tcpdf-6.7.7-1.fc40
- Fedora 41 Update: thunderbird-128.4.0-1.fc41
- Fedora 41 Update: syncthing-1.28.0-1.fc41
- Fedora 41 Update: php-tcpdf-6.7.7-1.fc41
- Fedora 39 Update: syncthing-1.28.0-1.fc39
- Fedora 39 Update: php-tcpdf-6.7.7-1.fc39
- [SECURITY] Fedora 39 Update: firefox-132.0-2.fc39
- [SECURITY] Fedora 39 Update: thunderbird-115.16.1-1.fc39
- [SECURITY] Fedora 40 Update: radare2-5.9.6-1.fc40
- [SECURITY] Fedora 40 Update: iaito-5.9.6-1.fc40
- [SECURITY] Fedora 41 Update: radare2-5.9.6-1.fc41
- [SECURITY] Fedora 41 Update: iaito-5.9.6-1.fc41
- [SECURITY] Fedora 39 Update: radare2-5.9.6-1.fc39
- [SECURITY] Fedora 39 Update: iaito-5.9.6-1.fc39
Gentoo Linux
- [ GLSA 202411-03 ] Ubiquiti UniFi: Privilege Escalation
- [ GLSA 202411-02 ] Flatpak: Sandbox Escape
- [ GLSA 202411-01 ] Neat VNC: Authentication Bypass
- [ GLSA 202411-05 ] libgit2: Multiple Vulnerabilities
- [ GLSA 202411-04 ] EditorConfig core C library: arbitrary stack write
Oracle Linux
- ELBA-2024-8805 Oracle Linux 9 tzdata bug fix and enhancement update
- ELSA-2024-8729 Moderate: Oracle Linux 8 firefox security update
- ELSA-2024-8793 Moderate: Oracle Linux 9 thunderbird security update
- ELSA-2024-8800 Important: Oracle Linux 9 openexr security update
- ELSA-2024-8726 Moderate: Oracle Linux 9 firefox security update
- ELBA-2024-12804 Oracle Linux 8 oraclelinux-automation-manager-release-el8 bug fix update
- ELSA-2024-8798 Moderate: Oracle Linux 8 xorg-x11-server and xorg-x11-server-Xwayland security update
- ELSA-2024-8790 Moderate: Oracle Linux 8 thunderbird security update
- ELSA-2024-8860 Important: Oracle Linux 8 krb5 security update
- ELSA-2024-12806 Important: Oracle Linux 6 Extended Lifecycle Support (ELS) Unbreakable Enterprise kernel security update
- ELSA-2024-12806 Important: Oracle Linux 7 Unbreakable Enterprise kernel security update
- ELSA-2024-8833 Moderate: Oracle Linux 8 libtiff security update
- ELSA-2024-8859 Moderate: Oracle Linux 8 xmlrpc-c security update
- ELSA-2024-8856 Moderate: Oracle Linux 8 kernel security update
- ELBA-2024-8841 Oracle Linux 8 rsyslog bug fix update
- ELBA-2024-8844 Oracle Linux 8 freerdp bug fix update
- ELBA-2024-8839 Oracle Linux 8 httpd:2.4 bug fix and enhancement update
- ELSA-2024-8830 Low: Oracle Linux 8 bpftrace security update
- ELBA-2024-8845 Oracle Linux 8 ghostscript bug fix update
- ELBA-2024-8805 Oracle Linux 8 tzdata bug fix and enhancement update
- ELSA-2024-8831 Low: Oracle Linux 8 bcc security update
- ELSA-2024-8842 Moderate: Oracle Linux 8 python3.12-urllib3 security update
- ELSA-2024-8849 Moderate: Oracle Linux 8 haproxy security update
- ELSA-2024-8843 Moderate: Oracle Linux 8 python3.11-urllib3 security update
- ELSA-2024-8847 Moderate: Oracle Linux 8 grafana-pcp security update
- ELBA-2024-12808 Oracle Linux 8 pcp bug fix update
- ELBA-2024-8837 Oracle Linux 8 fence-agents bug fix update
- ELSA-2024-8834 Important: Oracle Linux 8 python-gevent security update
- ELBA-2024-12805 Oracle Linux 8 oVirt 4.5 ovirt-engine bug fix update
- ELEA-2024-8852 Oracle Linux 8 libproxy bug fix and enhancement update
- ELEA-2024-8835 Oracle Linux 8 spirv-tools, vulkan-headers, vulkan-loader, vulkan-tools, and vulkan-validation-layers bug fix and enhancement update
- ELBA-2024-8867 Oracle Linux 8 gvfs bug fix update
- ELBA-2024-12788 Oracle Linux 8 iproute bug fix update
- ELSA-2024-8365 Moderate: Oracle Linux 7 python-idna security update (aarch64)
- ELSA-2024-8365 Moderate: Oracle Linux 7 python-idna security update
- ELSA-2024-8935 Moderate: Oracle Linux 9 edk2 security update
- ELSA-2024-8914 Moderate: Oracle Linux 9 libtiff security update
- ELSA-2024-8922 Low: Oracle Linux 8 bzip2 security update
- ELSA-2024-8876 Moderate: Oracle Linux 8 go-toolset:ol8 security update
- ELSA-2024-8846 Important: Oracle Linux 8 container-tools:ol8 security update
- ELSA-2024-8838 Moderate: Oracle Linux 8 python3.11 security update
- ELSA-2024-8836 Moderate: Oracle Linux 8 python3.12 security update
- ELBA-2024-8861 Oracle Linux 8 openldap bug fix update
- ELEA-2024-8840 Oracle Linux 8 rhel-system-roles bug fix update
- ELEA-2024-8832 Oracle Linux 8 gcc-toolset-13-annobin bug fix update
- ELBA-2024-8866 Oracle Linux 8 glib2 bug fix update
- ELBA-2024-8854 Oracle Linux 8 grub2 bug fix update
- ELBA-2024-8850 Oracle Linux 8 virt:ol bug fix and enhancement update
- ELBA-2024-8855 Oracle Linux 8 chrony bug fix update
- ELBA-2024-8829 Oracle Linux 8 gcc-toolset-13-gcc bug fix and enhancement update
- ELBA-2024-8853 Oracle Linux 8 cups bug fix update
- ELBA-2024-8848 Oracle Linux 8 squid:4 bug fix and enhancement update
Red Hat Enterprise Linux
- RHSA-2024:8791: Important: krb5 security update
- RHSA-2024:8789: Important: krb5 security update
- RHSA-2024:8797: Moderate: python39:3.9 security update
- RHSA-2024:8793: Moderate: thunderbird security update
- RHSA-2024:8792: Important: krb5 security update
- RHSA-2024:8790: Moderate: thunderbird security update
- RHSA-2024:8794: Important: krb5 security update
- RHSA-2024:8788: Important: krb5 security update
- RHSA-2024:8795: Important: xerces-c security update
- RHSA-2024:8800: Important: openexr security update
- RHSA-2024:8801: Important: openexr security update
- RHSA-2024:8802: Important: openexr security update
- RHSA-2024:8798: Moderate: xorg-x11-server and xorg-x11-server-Xwayland security update
- RHSA-2024:8874: Moderate: haproxy security update
- RHSA-2024:8856: Moderate: kernel security update
- RHSA-2024:8831: Low: bcc security update
- RHSA-2024:8834: Important: python-gevent security update
- RHSA-2024:8870: Moderate: kernel-rt security update
- RHSA-2024:8830: Low: bpftrace security update
- RHSA-2024:8826: Important: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 8.0.4 Security update
- RHSA-2024:8823: Important: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 8.0.4 Security update
- RHSA-2024:8824: Important: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 8.0.4 Security update
- RHSA-2024:8876: Moderate: go-toolset:rhel8 security update
- RHSA-2024:8836: Moderate: python3.12 security update
- RHSA-2024:8846: Important: container-tools:rhel8 security update
- RHSA-2024:8847: Moderate: grafana-pcp security update
- RHSA-2024:8849: Moderate: haproxy security update
- RHSA-2024:8838: Moderate: python3.11 security update
- RHSA-2024:8842: Moderate: python3.12-urllib3 security update
- RHSA-2024:8843: Moderate: python3.11-urllib3 security update
- RHSA-2024:8860: Important: krb5 security update
- RHSA-2024:8859: Moderate: xmlrpc-c security update
- RHSA-2024:8833: Moderate: libtiff security update
- RHSA-2024:8887: Important: Red Hat Product OCP Tools 4.13 Openshift Jenkins security update
- RHSA-2024:8886: Important: Red Hat Product OCP Tools 4.12 Openshift Jenkins security update
- RHSA-2024:8885: Important: Red Hat Product OCP Tools 4.14 Openshift Jenkins security update
- RHSA-2024:8884: Important: Red Hat Product OCP Tools 4.15 Openshift Jenkins security update
- RHSA-2024:8922: Low: bzip2 security update
- RHSA-2024:8914: Moderate: libtiff security update
- RHSA-2024:8906: Critical: Satellite 6.16.0 release
- RHSA-2024:8686: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.16.20 packages and security update
- RHSA-2024:8683: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.16.20 bug fix and security update
- RHSA-2024:8935: Moderate: edk2 security update
- RHSA-2024:8929: Moderate: mod_jk security update
- RHSA-2024:8928: Moderate: mod_jk security update
- RHSA-2024:8974: Important: Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management 2.12.0 security and bug fixes
- RHSA-2024:8969: Moderate: Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform Execution Environments Container Release Update
- RHSA-2024:8690: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.13.53 packages and security update
- RHSA-2024:8688: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.13.53 bug fix and security update
- RHSA-2024:8694: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.12.68 security update
- RHSA-2024:8977: Moderate: python39:3.9 security update
- RHSA-2024:8692: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.12.68 security update
- RHSA-2024:9018: Moderate: thunderbird security update
- RHSA-2024:9017: Moderate: thunderbird security update
- RHSA-2024:9015: Moderate: thunderbird security update
- RHSA-2024:9019: Moderate: thunderbird security update
- RHSA-2024:9016: Moderate: thunderbird security update
- RHSA-2024:8700: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.14.40 packages and security update
Rocky Linux
- RLSA-2024:8678: Important: grafana security update
- RLSA-2024:8793: Moderate: thunderbird security update
- RLSA-2024:8680: Low: mod_http2 security update
- RLSA-2024:8726: Moderate: firefox security update
- RLSA-2024:8563: Important: buildah security update
- RLSA-2024:8935: Moderate: edk2 security update
- RLSA-2024:8800: Important: openexr security update
- RLSA-2024:8914: Moderate: libtiff security update
- RLBA-2024:8936: microcode_ctl bug fix and enhancement update
- RLSA-2024:8617: Moderate: kernel security update
- RLSA-2024:8870: Moderate: kernel-rt security update
- RLBA-2024:8872: resource-agents bug fix and enhancement update
- RLBA-2024:8844: freerdp bug fix update
- RLSA-2024:8830: Low: bpftrace security update
- RLBA-2024:8845: ghostscript bug fix update
- RLSA-2024:8831: Low: bcc security update
- RLBA-2024:8828: llvm-toolset:rhel8 bug fix and enhancement update
- RLSA-2024:8843: Moderate: python3.11-urllib3 security update
- RLSA-2024:8846: Important: container-tools:rhel8 security update
- RLSA-2024:8790: Moderate: thunderbird security update
Slackware Linux
SUSE Linux
- SUSE-SU-2024:3911-1: important: Security update for govulncheck-vulndb
- openSUSE-SU-2024:0348-1: important: Security update for chromium
- openSUSE-SU-2024:0347-1: important: Security update for chromium
- openSUSE-SU-2024:0349-1: important: Security update for htmldoc
- openSUSE-SU-2024:14458-1: moderate: govulncheck-vulndb-0.0.20241104T154416-1.1 on GA media
- openSUSE-SU-2024:14457-1: moderate: audacity-3.7.0-1.1 on GA media
- openSUSE-SU-2024:14459-1: moderate: qbittorrent-5.0.1-2.1 on GA media
- openSUSE-SU-2024:0350-1: important: Security update for govulncheck-vulndb
- SUSE-SU-2024:3920-1: important: Security update for libgsf
- SUSE-SU-2024:3923-1: important: Security update for gradle
- SUSE-SU-2024:3925-1: moderate: Security update for curl
- SUSE-SU-2024:3924-1: moderate: Security update for python310
- SUSE-SU-2024:3926-1: moderate: Security update for curl
- openSUSE-SU-2024:14461-1: moderate: libmozjs-128-0-128.4.0-1.1 on GA media
- openSUSE-SU-2024:14460-1: moderate: htmldoc-1.9.18-3.1 on GA media
- SUSE-SU-2024:3922-1: important: Security update for libgsf
- openSUSE-SU-2024:0353-1: moderate: Security update for kmail-account-wizard
- openSUSE-SU-2024:0352-1: moderate: Security update for python-jupyterlab
- openSUSE-SU-2024:0351-1: important: Security update for python-mysql-connector-python
- openSUSE-SU-2024:14466-1: moderate: xorg-x11-server-21.1.14-1.1 on GA media
- openSUSE-SU-2024:14464-1: moderate: grub2-2.12-28.1 on GA media
- openSUSE-SU-2024:14465-1: moderate: java-1_8_0-openjdk- on GA media
- openSUSE-SU-2024:14467-1: moderate: xwayland-24.1.4-1.1 on GA media
- SUSE-SU-2024:3940-1: important: Security update for libarchive
- SUSE-SU-2024:3941-1: important: Security update for ghostscript
- SUSE-SU-2024:3943-1: moderate: Security update for openssl-3
- SUSE-SU-2024:3945-1: moderate: Security update for python39
- SUSE-SU-2024:3950-1: moderate: Security update for govulncheck-vulndb
- SUSE-SU-2024:3948-1: important: Security update for qemu
- openSUSE-SU-2024:14471-1: moderate: ruby3.3-rubygem-actionmailer-7.0- on GA media
- openSUSE-SU-2024:14470-1: moderate: govulncheck-vulndb-0.0.20241106T172143-1.1 on GA media
- openSUSE-SU-2024:14469-1: moderate: chromedriver-130.0.6723.116-1.1 on GA media
- openSUSE-SU-2024:14474-1: moderate: ruby3.3-rubygem-puma-6.4.3-1.1 on GA media
- openSUSE-SU-2024:14473-1: moderate: ruby3.3-rubygem-actiontext-7.0- on GA media
- SUSE-SU-2024:3959-1: moderate: Security update for python312
- SUSE-SU-2024:3960-1: important: Security update for libheif
- SUSE-SU-2024:3957-1: moderate: Security update for python311
- SUSE-SU-2024:3958-1: moderate: Security update for python311
- openSUSE-SU-2024:0356-1: important: Security update for chromium
- openSUSE-SU-2024:0357-1: important: Security update for chromium
- openSUSE-SU-2024:0358-1: moderate: Security update for qbittorrent
- openSUSE-SU-2024:14479-1: moderate: ruby3.3-rubygem-rails-7.0- on GA media
- openSUSE-SU-2024:14478-1: moderate: httpcomponents-client-4.5.14-1.1 on GA media
Ubuntu Linux
- [USN-7088-2] Linux kernel vulnerabilities
- [USN-7083-1] OpenJPEG vulnerabilities
- [USN-7089-2] Linux kernel vulnerabilities
- [USN-7091-1] Ruby vulnerabilities
- [USN-7092-1] mpg123 vulnerability
- [USN-7093-1] Werkzeug vulnerability
- [LSN-0107-1] Linux kernel vulnerability
- [USN-6882-2] Cinder regression
- [USN-7088-4] Linux kernel vulnerabilities
- [USN-7095-1] Linux kernel vulnerabilities
- [USN-7089-3] Linux kernel vulnerabilities