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Lycoris has released Lycoris Desktop/LX Build 60 Beta:

Lycoris Desktop/LX is a familiar, powerful and open alternative to Windows. Put the power back into your hands with this new, affordable operating system.

New in build 60:
- added support for S3 Twister
- added kernel support for Palm Zire
- added spanish translations for kdeutils package
- added spanish translations for kdebase package
- removed lock, logout icons from kicker
- fixed OO [kde1] incorrect color bindings, massaged kicker color bindings
- upgraded usbutils to 0.11
- smaller CD automount timeout [6 seconds]
- fixed [?] non-root login hang issue
- added kernel support for Konica KD200Z
- added spanish translations for kdegraphics, kdesdk
- upgraded gftp to 2.0.13
- upgraded gimp-print to 4.2.2-rc2

Download CD 1 (Binary)
Download CD 2 (Source)
Download CD 3 (DevTools)

Only the first CD is necessary for the installation of Lycoris Desktop/LX