Mandriva 1274 Published by

Mandriva 2011 Alpha 1 has been released

I am pleased to announce to you that the iso of Mandriva 2011 Alpha 1 just went out, and should be available in devel/isos/2011 directory on your favorite mirror shortly!

As promised some weeks ago, the Mandriva 2011 Alpha1 is following the lead of Mandriva 2011 Technical Preview, sorting out some of the issues we noticed in it. Besides all the features present in the Technical Preview, this Alpha1 version also brings you:

Latest kernel 2.6.37
RPM 5.3.8 (20110125)
NetworkManager 0.8.2, with mandriva integration plugin
Systemd 17, enabled and activated by default
KDE SC 4.6.0
GNOME 2.32.1
XFCE 4.8.0
GCC 4.5.2, with plugins enabled by default
Chromium browser, provided in a versioning scheme to match the one used Google Chrome project (e.g., chromium-browser-stable and chromium-browser-unstable)
Firefox 4b11
OpenSSL 1.0.0d
Wine 1.3.13
  Mandriva 2011 Alpha 1