Mandriva 1274 Published by

Mandriva 2011 beta 1 has been released

Hi all,

despite being some days late due to unexpected problems, Mandriva 2011 beta1 should be available on your favorite mirrors soon. Among lots of package updates, it features KDE 4.6.1, visual theme updates, systemd 20, networkmanager, firefox 4.0.0rc1, bash 4.2, chromium browser versions which match google chrome, and TexLive 2011 integrated and used instead of tetex by default.

Besides packages updates, it also features plasma-applet-stackfolder application, developed by ROSA Labs, which will make part of new Mandriva 2011 UI. To see it in action, simple drag any folder from dolphin to KDE taskbar, and have fun .
  Mandriva 2011 Beta 1