Manjaro Linux 145 Published by

The cinnamon edition of Manjaro Linux 18.1.0 has been released

Here the announcement:
This edition comes with

Cinnamon 4.2.4 desktop
latest x-apps and mint-themes
bauh for handling snaps and flatpak
calamares Office suite chooser and
kernel linux 5.2.

A minimal version is also available, with only the basic applications pre-installed and without pre-configured snaps/flatpak support or OfficeSuite chooser.

Other than some smaller fixes I have added by request xrandr and gufw for more convenient configuration and following a discussion about Linuxmint's new default panel layout with the grouped window list, I decided to provide a little tool to easily switch back to the old-style regular window list plus launcher.
The panel-chooser will appear automatically after login until you have made a choice.

In case you change your mind later or if you want to run it on an existing install (package cinnamon-panel-chooser), please be aware that it will reset your panel to one or the other default and remove any other panel customization!

I hope you will enjoy Manjaro-Cinnamon and I am happy to answer any suggestions, wishes, complaints, findings...


  Manjaro Cinnamon 18.1.0 released