Manjaro Linux 145 Published by

A first preview release of Manjaro GNOME 19.1.0 based on the GNOME 3.36 desktop is now available for testing.

Manjaro GNOME 19.1.0 Pre1

Test our Gnome 19.1 Preview ... Some feature-updates:

All Kernels got rebuild against GCC 9.3 toolchain
Gnome got updated to 3.36. As usual report your issues!
poppler packages got updated
gamemode is updated to 1.5.1
KDE-Git package updates
Matcha theme got more fixes for Gnome 3.36
Updated packages for manjaro-asian-input-support
LibreOffice got updated to 6.4.2
archlinux-appstream-data got stripped of any em tags preventing package listing in pamac and gnome-software
PHP got updated to 7.4.4 and Firefox-Developer got pushed ot its fifth beta release
KDE Framework got updated to 5.68
Haskell and Python updates

Manjaro GNOME 19.1.0 Pre1 Downloads