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Dylan Baker has announced the release of Mesa 22.2.2. Mesa is the default graphics library for Linux with support for OpenGL, OpenGL ES, Vulkan, OpenCL, and more.

Mesa 22.2.2

Mesa 22.2.2 is now available. This is the second bug fix release, back on the regular schedule. There's a lot here: nir, panfrost, gallium video, freedreno, nouveau, turnip, r300, gallium core, r600, virgl, core vulkan, anv, clover, d3d12, utils, radv, and plenty of zink.



Alejandro Tafalla (1):
freedreno: Fix graphic glitches on a4xx and a5xx

Alyssa Rosenzweig (4):
nir/lower_system_values: Fix cs_local_index_to_id with variable workgroups
pan/mdg: Lower PIPE_COMPUTE_CAP_MAX_THREADS_PER_BLOCK on Midgard pan/mdg: Fix 16-bit alignment with spiller
nir: Fix nir_fmax_abs_vec_comp

Andri Yngvason (1):
gallium/vl: Add opaque rgb pixel formats

Daniel Schürmann (1):
aco/spill: Fix spilling of Phi operands

Danylo Piliaiev (1):
tu: Reset whether there is DS resolve for dynamic subpass
Dave Airlie (1):
gallivm: handle llvm coroutines for llvm > 15

Diogo Ivo (1):
nouveau: treat DRM_FORMAT_INVALID as implicit modifier
Dylan Baker (9):
docs: Add sha256 sum for 22.2.1
.pick_status.json: Update to 243aa6b2ec0c2626b1333ba666a6d6d60ede8505 .pick_status.json: Update to c4482a3c1a973975eb27ac284a18bebca24f7876 .pick_status.json: Update to 3eed5931edf6e5f45378b013ca21f98f17af2b34 .pick_status.json: Update to b02e9ef35a0446019cda9473e4c355c7cc4bb24d .pick_status.json: Mark 4c7a44413a07d3fb314f786e047bb7212c082a6c as denominated
.pick_status.json: Mark dbd022f2ab43ff0a9ecc05c61123467e25f109de as backported
docs: add release notes for 22.2.2
VERSION: update to 22.2.2

Emma Anholt (1):
turnip: Don't use the dynamic color write enable during non-dynamic.
Erik Faye-Lund (1):
gallium/u_threaded_context: remove stale comment

Filip Gawin (1):
r300: don't use smooth line if not requested

Gert Wollny (3):
r600/sfn: Always start a new CF after a KILL instruction r600/sfn: don't propagate registers into conditional test virgl: Report CONSTANT_BUFFER_SIZE according to GL_MAX_UNIFORM_BLOCK_SIZE

Lionel Landwerlin (3):
vulkan/runtime: don't lookup the pipeline disk cache if disabled anv: initialization pipeline layout to 0s
anv: add missing tracepoint

Liviu Prodea (1):
clc/clover: Link clang statically when shared-llvm is disabled
Mike Blumenkrantz (3):
zink: clamp line_stipple_factor to 1 if stipple is disabled zink: unset rp_changed after initializing renderpass attachments zink: disable fbfetch when flushing clears

Ryan Houdek (1):
vulkan/wsi: Add dep_libudev to idep dependencies

Sil Vilerino (2):
gallium/va: vaDeriveImage to check PIPE_VIDEO_SUPPORTS_CONTIGUOUS_PLANES_MAP
SoroushIMG (3):
zink: fix invalid Offset set for variables which do not need an offsetzink: stop enabling minmax filtering when not supported zink: fix isNan mismatch between NIR and SPIR-V

Timothy Arceri (5):
util/conf: enable init to zero workaround for Exanima util/radeonsi: enable zerovram workaround for Exanima radv: add radv_zero_vram workarounds for OpenGL games glthread: fix matrix stack depth tracking
glthread: leave dlist dispatch in place for Begin/End
Yonggang Luo (1):
util: Turn -DWINDOWS_NO_FUTEX to be pre_args

git tag: mesa-22.2.2
SHA256: 2de11fb74fc5cc671b818e49fe203cea0cd1d8b69756e97cdb06a2f4e78948f9 mesa-22.2.2.tar.xz
SHA512: a1eb67e1ae4880c79b1fdc570f4389baba0b8ba796da7e695c9af19a7d92b6c 06b95570e6c796548b61355989025fb7efbf9acac74cbd695f7e297dc913b933c mesa-22.2.2.tar.xz