Debian 10355 Published by has released Nginx 1.2.8 packages for Debian 6.0

Nginx 1.2.8 has been released with 4 bugfixes. See the full Changelog for more details.

As a consequence, Dotdeb’s packages of Nginx 1.2.8 are now available for Debian 6.0 “Squeeze” (amd64/i386) with the following changes:

The config of the default vhost is now ok by default. Sorry for the mess of the previous release.
The X-rid header module has been added to all the Nginx flavors.
The chunkin-nginx-module, headers-more-nginx-module, nginx-cache-purge, nginx-echo, nginx-lua, nginx-push-stream-module and ngx_http_substitution_filter_module modules have been updated.

As usual, if you want to know which module has been included in each Nginx flavor, you just have to look at this document.
  Nginx 1.2.8 for Debian