Debian 10305 Published by has released Nginx 1.6.2 packages for both Debian 6 and 7

Nginx 1.6.2 has been released on September 16th 2014, with the following changes :

Security: it was possible to reuse SSL sessions in unrelated contexts if a shared SSL session cache or the same TLS session ticket key was used for multiple “server” blocks (CVE-2014-3616). Thanks to Antoine Delignat-Lavaud.
Bugfix: requests might hang if resolver was used and a DNS server returned a malformed response; the bug had appeared in 1.5.8.
Bugfix: requests might hang if resolver was used and a timeout occurred during a DNS request.

As a consequence, packages of Nginx 1.6.2 are now available for both Debian 7 “Wheezy” and Debian 6 “Squeeze” (amd64/i386).

Please note that the nginx-rtmp-module has been added to nginx-extras and that the other modules have been updated to their latest version.
  Nginx 1.6.2 for Debian 6/7