Debian 10347 Published by

Dotdeb has released Nginx 1.2.3, Passenger 3.0.14, and MySQL 5.5.27 for Debian GNU/Linux

Nginx 1.2.3
Dotdebs packages of Nginx 1.2.3 are now available for Debian 6.0 Squeeze (amd64/i386). They fix 5 bugs, please take a look at Nginx official Changelog before upgrading. Please also note that : Naxsi has been upgraded to the 0.48 version, and the new nginx-naxsi-ui package provides the autolearning daemon and the web user interface. Nginx Lua has been upgraded to [...]

Nginx 1.2.3

Passenger 3.0.14
Packages of Passenger 3.0.14 are now available for Debian 6.0 Squeeze on both amd64 and i386 architectures. Here is the announcement from Phusions blog : Phusion Passenger is an Apache and Nginx module for deploying Ruby web applications. It has a strong focus on ease of use, stability and performance. Phusion Passenger is built on top [...]

Passenger 3.0.14

MySQL 5.5.27
The packages of MySQL 5.5.27 are now available for Debian 6.0 Squeeze on both amd64 and i386 architectures. They fixes some InnoDB- and replication-related issues. As usual, please read carefully the full Changelog before upgrading.

MySQL 5.5.27