Drivers 2944 Published by

NVIDIA has released new 331.49 Linux drivers

Release Highlights

Added support for the following GPUs:
GeForce GT 710
GeForce 825M
Fixed a regression that prevented nvidia-installer from cleaning up directories created as part of the driver installation.
Added a new X configuration option "InbandStereoSignaling" to enable/disable DisplayPort in-band stereo signaling. See "Appendix B. X Config Options" in the README for more information.
Fixed a bug that caused PBO downloads of cube map faces to retrieve incorrect data.
Fixed a bug in nvidia-installer that resulted in spurious error messages when opting out of installing the NVIDIA kernel module or source files for the kernel module.
Added experimental support for ARGB GLX visuals when Xinerama and Composite are enabled at the same time on X.Org xserver 1.15.
  NVIDIA 331.49 Linux Drivers