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OpenMandriva Lx 3.0 has been released

Exciting news from the OpenMandriva Community!
Not long after RC1 we are proud to announce the OpenMandriva Lx 3.0 final release.
Work on the RC1/RC2 releases has further improved stability and performance. We have now support for the Japanese and Chinese languages so we would really welcome any feedback from those who speak them.
The GA release brings a number of major fixes since RC:
– i586 release now available
– Install with Calamares now functional so no longer necessary to install through live image
– A longstanding gnupg bug has been fixed
– Boot delays reduced
– Firefox plugins issues fixed

OpenMandriva Lx is a cutting edge distribution compiled with LLVM/clang. Combined with the high level of optimisation used for both code and linking (by enabling LTO) used in its building, this gives the OpenMandriva desktop an unbelievably crisp response to operations on the KDE Plasma 5 desktop which makes it a pleasure to use.
The latest release of all the KDE apps is there to support the desktop and help give you a consistent feel.

Main features:
KDE Plasma 5.6.5
KDE Frameworks 5.24.0
KDE Apps 16.04.3
Kernel 4.6.5
Systemd 231
Xorg 1.18.3
Mesa 12.0.1
F2FS support – A filesystem for SSD

As usual, you will find a selection of the most popular media players, including mpv, VLC and Plasma Media Center.
Among graphic applications: Krita, ShowFoto and digiKam.

Users already took advantage of one of our latest innovations: the F2FS support, a filesystem designed for Solid State Disks which gives great performance over other filesystems.
You will be able to choose your preferred application launcher from 3 options: Kickoff, Kicker, and the alternative full screen if you like better this new approach.
The CD/DVD burning application K3b, previously only available in KDE4 and now available under Plasma 5, has been added to allow users to burn ISOs.
The ISO building program, omdv-build-iso, features improved support for creating personalised compilations.
After the switch from Python 2.x to 3.x, the greeting application oma-welcome – originally in python – has been rewritten in C++, which gives a smaller dependency footprint.

For those wishing to use a lightweight desktop environment. we also provide LXQt, which brings with it Qupzilla a new and very fast browser based on the QtWebEngine, and PCManFM, a lightweight file manager.

Finally some headline news for the future. We would like to create some lightweight desktop releases. One using LXQt for older, resource limited hardware and one for more modern lightweight hardware using the Hawaii desktop combined with the Wayland graphical server.
Stay tuned for further news on this!

We warmly thank our developers, artists, testers and bug reporters, all our support teams as well as all people at large who are working so hard to make this technically advanced and beautifully artworked distribution.

This release is the culmination of nearly two years of hard work by our development team. It has been very hard, but they have stuck to it and produced a fine release.
Grateful thanks are due to:-
Bernhard Rosenkränzer: Technical Lead
Tomasz Gajc: Release Manager
Crispin “I fix anything” Boylan: Bug Exterminator
Alexander Stefanoff-Khryukin and His_Shadow: Build System Guru’s
As always, to avoid disappointment, please read the Release Notes and the Errata.
  OpenMandriva Lx 3.0 released