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openSUSE 11.2 Milestone 4 has been released

Looking for some summer fun? Try the latest milestone release for openSUSE 11.2! Milestone 4 is hot off the openSUSE Build Service and ready for your testing pleasure.This release includes updates to KDE, GNOME, NetworkManager, Samba, YaST, and many other updated packages.

This is a Milestone Release, one of several that lead up to the 11.2 final release in November. It may not be suitable for production systems, but is ready for contributors who want to help with testing and development for 11.2.

Changes Since openSUSE 11.2 Milestone 3

Lots of changes since the M3 release! The live CDs can now be deployed using USB sticks — which is particularly important for netbook computers without CD or DVD drives. The live CDs now contain mc, and the KDE live CDs include YaKuake. And YaST has a new Qt-based Control Center. Other updates and changes:

Linux kernel
CUPS 1.3.10
NetworkManager 0.7.1
Samba 3.4.0
Firefox 3.5
KDE 4.3 RC1
Qt 4.5.2
Qt Creator 1.2
Seamonkey 2.0a3
VirtualBox 3.0 beta 2
openSUSE 11.2 Milestone 4 Released