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openSUSE 13.1 RC 1 has been released

The openSUSE 13.1 release is planned for November. In preparation, we today announce the availability of the first Release Candidate on Grab one of the images and help us test!


As you probably saw last month, we organized a Beta Hackaton to fix as many bugs as we could. The event was quite a success and while the report isn’t out yet (soon!) we can already tell you that over 120 people fixed about 140 bugs and screened another 440! With such numbers, you can imagine we have great expectations for our upcoming release. But the work is not done yet: there’s testing to do as not every bug has been found; and there are still some bugs left standing.


As you might remember, we called for additional testing of btrfs specifically. It won’t be the default in this release but the next generation filesystem has been making steady progress and in the last month, over 25 bugs have been found and fixed. There is still more work to be done, but btrfs should be a safe choice for openSUSE 13.1 users and a good candidate for default filesystem for the next release.

A big thank you to the volunteers who tested BtrFS and reported bugs. We have seen an increase of 5000 users using BtrFS since Beta was released, 1000 of them during last week (30-Sep to 06-Oct)!

What’s new

As we’ve been in Freeze since shortly after Beta, most of the changes are bugfixes. A quick list of the major changes:

Kernel-3.11.3 + load of btrfs fixes thanks to feedback from beta
snapper-0.1.7 (btrfs!)
nginx – finaly built properly
bluez5 – pulseaudio/gnome/kde integration to provide bluez5 is finally in place
plasma-nm – alternative gui for networkmanager in KDE was adjusted and now provides some sane usability
Tons of bugs fixed and closed
zypper dup from 12.3 should now not render the system unable to log in…


Fix calibre
Get the 4.1.2 release of libreoffice in
Include SDL2_ttf in distribution so 13.1 has a complete SDL2
And of course more bugfixing!


Being a Release Candidate, these images are supposed to work flawlessly. But we are realistic and know the world doesn’t work that way. So, we ask you to help us find those pesky issues so we can fix them!

Testers can find information on how to work effectively in the openSUSE Testing wiki. You can find the current list of the most annoying 13.1 bugs here. Please help us shorten that list by re-testing the problematic areas or by fixing bugs, and we love it when you help us find new important issues!

The openSUSE 13.1 Portal has been set up but still needs lots of work. There are screenshots to take, release notes to write, and documentation to update. We also welcome help with translating it all! If you want to help describe the features coming, add to and review the Major Features page.

Screenshots of 13.1 will have to go here. There is a bit of info on taking proper screenshots.
  openSUSE 13.1 RC 1 released