GNOME 3622 Published by

Orca v2.21.91 has been released

The coolest thing in this release is that Orca now has some fundamental support for contracted braille. There are still a couple rough edges, but we want to you take it for a test drive so we can polish this work for the next release. You can read more about this in the "Contracted Braille" section of the following URL:

Many thanks to the Mozilla Foundation for funding this work and Eitan Isaacson for the incredible work he did putting this in place.

* What is Orca?

Orca is a free, open source, flexible, and extensible screen reader that provides access to the graphical desktop via user-customizable combinations of speech, braille, and/or magnification. Orca development has been led by the Sun Microsystems, Inc., Accessibility Program Office via continued engagement with its end users and generous contributions from the Mozilla Foundation and wonderful community members.

The Orca v2.21.91 release is targeted for the GNOME v2.21.91 development release and requires the latest at-spi/pyatspi infrastructure from GNOME v2.21.91, including atk and gail.

You can also read more about Orca at
Orca v2.21.91