GNOME 3622 Published by

Orca v2.22.0 has been released

Orca is a free, open source, flexible, and extensible screen reader that provides access to the graphical desktop via user-customizable combinations of speech, braille, and/or magnification. Orca development has been led by the Sun Microsystems, Inc., Accessibility Program Office via continued engagement with its end users and generous contributions from the Mozilla Foundation and wonderful community members.

The Orca v2.22.0 release is targeted for the GNOME v2.22.0 development release and requires the latest at-spi/pyatspi infrastructure from GNOME v2.22.0, including atk, gail, and at-spi.

You can also read more about Orca at

* What's changed for Orca v2.22.0?

For a detailed list of the changes made since Orca v2.20.0, please visit the following URL:

The following changes have been made since 2.21.92:

2.22.0 - 09-Mar-2008

* Fix for bug #517505 - Orca doesn't present new active descendant when deleting from the top of a list
* Fix for bug #518762 - When using gnome-terminal with multiple tabs, the name on the tab is not announced when switching between tabbed windows

* Fix for bug #517502 - Orca should not speak the previously focused menu item when arrowing across the menu bar in OpenOffice

* Fix for bug #491837, Implement 'go to' functions with Collections
* Fix for bug #515804 - Whitespace needs to be removed from speech and braille contexts in FF3
* Fix for bug #517277 - Orca should not get stuck while browsing articles at
* Fix for bug #518893 - Extra verbosity in web pages
* Fix for bug #519931 - Orca does not read certain news feeds correctly
Orca v2.22.0