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The PCLinuxOS project has announced the release of PCLinuxOS 2019.11

The PCLinuxOS project has announced the release of updated installation media for PCLinuxOS. The new media carries the version number 2019.11 and contains a fully updated system as of November 12 2019. Please note it is not required to do a clean installation each month since PCLinuxOS is a rolling release. These ISOs are being provided so new users don’t have a large update to perform after installation from a dated ISO. Please note if you plan on booting and/or installing PCLinuxOS 2019.11 in Virtualbox then please use Virtualbox 6.0.14 as it has support for the 5.3.x kernels.

Download link:
Torrent Links:

The KDE versions both full and the minimalistic Darkstar contain kernel 5.3.10 plus a fully updated KDE Plasma desktop. Plasma desktop 5.17.3, Plasma Applications 19.08.3 and Plasma Frameworks 5.64.0.

The Mate ISO was refreshed with kernel 5.3.10 and the applications and libraries were updated to their most recent stable versions from the previous release.

The Xfce ISOs were updated to kernel 5.3.10 including thunar updated to 1.8.10, xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin to 2.3.4, xfce4-screenshooter 1.9.7 and xfburn-0.6.1 and fully updated from the software repo from the past month.

All ISOs received a theme update across the board from grub, bootsplash and the desktop. Bluetooth got some work this month and may work better. The Nvidia driver was updated to 430.64. Myliveusb was extensively updated and added to the ISOs. This program allows you to add and boot multiple PCLinuxOS ISOs including your own personal remasters on one usb stick. Bios and UEFI boot is supported.

That’s just about it for this month. See you next month!