Debian 10273 Published by has released PHP 5.5.3 packages for Debian GNU/Linux

On August 22nd 2013, the PHP group has released PHP 5.5.3. Since the previously-packaged PHP 5.5.1 version, about 20 bugs were fixed, including security issue in OpenSSL module (CVE-2013-4248) and session fixation problem (CVE-2011-4718).

As a consequence, PHP 5.5.3 packages are now available on Dotdeb for Debian 7.0 “Wheezy”, on both amd64 and i386 architectures, with the following changes :

each SAPI (apache2, apache2filter, CLI, CGI, FPM, embed) has now its own /etc/php5/SAPI/conf.d/ subdirectory, not just a symlink to a common one, so it can have its own list of activated modules (it involved some more tests, so sorry for the delay),
the php5-mongo package is now available, allowing you interacting with MongoDB servers,
the php5-fpm init script now reports syntax errors with full error messages.

Please read the Changelog and the migration guide (be aware of the backward incompatible changes) before upgrading.
  PHP 5.5.3 for Debian 7