Debian 10260 Published by

Ondřej Surý has released PHP 5.6.40-53, 7.0.33-53, 7.1.33-40, 7.2.34-24, 7.3.30, 7.4.23, 8.0.9, and 8.1.0 Beta 3 packages for Debian GNU/Linux 9 LTS, 10, and 11.

To add the repository:
#!/bin/bash # To add this repository please do:

if [ "$(whoami)" != "root" ]; then

${SUDO} apt-get -y install apt-transport-https lsb-release ca-certificates curl
${SUDO} wget -O /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/php.gpg
${SUDO} sh -c 'echo "deb $(lsb_release -sc) main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/php.list'
${SUDO} apt-get update
PHP 8.0.3 for Debian 10

PHP Packages
Issues Tracker

PHP 5.6.40-53, 7.0.33-53, 7.1.33-40, 7.2.34-24, and 7.3.30

- Phar:
. Fixed bug #81211: Symlinks are followed when creating PHAR archive (cmb)

PHP 7.4.23

- Core:
. Fixed bug #72595 (php_output_handler_append illegal write access). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #66719 (Weird behaviour when using get_called_class() with call_user_func()). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #81305 (Built-in Webserver Drops Requests With "Upgrade" Header). (cmb)
- BCMath:
. Fixed bug #78238 (BCMath returns "-0"). (cmb)

- CGI:
. Fixed bug #80849 (HTTP Status header truncation). (cmb)

- GD:
. Fixed bug #51498 (imagefilledellipse does not work for large circles). (cmb)

- MySQLi:
. Fixed bug #74544 (Integer overflow in mysqli_real_escape_string()). (cmb, johannes)

- OpenSSL:
. Fixed bug #81327 (Error build openssl extension on php 7.4.22). (cmb)

. Fixed bug #81252 (PDO_ODBC doesn't account for SQL_NO_TOTAL). (cmb)

- Phar:
. Fixed bug #81211: Symlinks are followed when creating PHAR archive.(cmb)

- Shmop:
. Fixed bug #81283 (shmop can't read beyond 2147483647 bytes). (cmb, Nikita)

- Standard:
. Fixed bug #72146 (Integer overflow on substr_replace). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #81265 (getimagesize returns 0 for 256px ICO images). (George Dietrich)
. Fixed bug #74960 (Heap buffer overflow via str_repeat). (cmb, Dmitry)

- Streams:
. Fixed bug #81294 (Segfault when removing a filter). (cmb)

PHP 8.0.10

- Core:
. Fixed bug #72595 (php_output_handler_append illegal write access). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #66719 (Weird behaviour when using get_called_class() with call_user_func()). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #81305 (Built-in Webserver Drops Requests With "Upgrade" Header). (cmb)

- BCMath:
. Fixed bug #78238 (BCMath returns "-0"). (cmb)

- CGI:
. Fixed bug #80849 (HTTP Status header truncation). (cmb)

- Date:
. Fixed bug #64975 (Error parsing when AM/PM not at the end). (Derick)
. Fixed bug #78984 (DateTimeZone accepting invalid UTC timezones). (Derick)
. Fixed bug #79580 (date_create_from_format misses leap year). (Derick)
. Fixed bug #80409 (DateTime::modify() loses time with 'weekday' parameter). (Derick)

- GD:
. Fixed bug #51498 (imagefilledellipse does not work for large circles). (cmb)

- MySQLi:
. Fixed bug #74544 (Integer overflow in mysqli_real_escape_string()). (cmb, johannes)

- Opcache:
. Fixed bug #81225 (Wrong result with pow operator with JIT enabled). (Dmitry)
. Fixed bug #81249 (Intermittent property assignment failure with JIT enabled). (Dmitry)
. Fixed bug #81206 (Multiple PHP processes crash with JIT enabled). (cmb, Nikita)
. Fixed bug #81272 (Segfault in var[] after array_slice with JIT). (Nikita)
. Fixed Bug #81255 (Memory leak in PHPUnit with functional JIT). (Dmitry)
. Fixed Bug #80959 (infinite loop in building cfg during JIT compilation) (Nikita, Dmitry)
. Fixed bug #81226 (Integer overflow behavior is different with JIT enabled). (Dmitry)

- OpenSSL:
. Fixed bug #81327 (Error build openssl extension on php 7.4.22). (cmb)

. Fixed bug #81252 (PDO_ODBC doesn't account for SQL_NO_TOTAL). (cmb)

- Phar:
. Fixed bug #81211: Symlinks are followed when creating PHAR archive (cmb)

- Shmop:
. Fixed bug #81283 (shmop can't read beyond 2147483647 bytes). (cmb, Nikita)

- SimpleXML:
. Fixed bug #81325 (Segfault in zif_simplexml_import_dom). (remi)

- Standard:
. Fixed bug #72146 (Integer overflow on substr_replace). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #81265 (getimagesize returns 0 for 256px ICO images). (George Dietrich)
. Fixed bug #74960 (Heap buffer overflow via str_repeat). (cmb, Dmitry)

- Streams:
. Fixed bug #81294 (Segfault when removing a filter). (cmb)

PHP 8.1.0 Beta 3

- Core:
. Fixed bug #81342 (New ampersand token parsing depends on new line after it). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #81280 (Unicode characters in cli.prompt causes segfault). (krakjoe)
. Fixed bug #81192 ("Declaration should be compatible with" gives incorrect line number with traits). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #78919 (CLI server: insufficient cleanup if request startup fails). (cataphract, cmb)

- Date:
. Fixed bug #79580 (date_create_from_format misses leap year). (Derick)
. Fixed bug #80963 (DateTimeZone::getTransitions() truncated). (Derick)
. Fixed bug #80974 (Wrong diff between 2 dates in different timezones). (Derick)
. Fixed bug #80998 (Missing second with inverted interval). (Derick)
. Fixed bug #81097 (DateTimeZone silently falls back to UTC when providing an offset with seconds). (Derick)
. Fixed bug #81106 (Regression in 8.1: add() now truncate ->f). (Derick)
. Fixed bug #81273 (Date interval calculation not correct). (Derick)

- Mbstring:
. Fixed bug #81349 (mb_detect_encoding misdetcts ASCII in some cases). (Nikita)

. Fixed bug #81343 (pdo_pgsql: Inconsitent boolean conversion after calling closeCursor()). (Philip Hofstetter)

- Phar:
. Use SHA256 by default for signature. (remi)
. Add support for OpenSSL_SHA256 and OpenSSL_SHA512 signature. (remi)

. Implement SHA256 and SHA512 for security protocol. (remi)

- Standard:
. Fixed bug #81142 (PHP 7.3+ memory leak when unserialize() is used on an associative array). (Nikita)