Debian 10260 Published by

Ondřej Surý has released PHP 7.3.19 and 7.4.7 packages for Debian GNU/Linux 8 LTS, 9, and 10.

To add the repository:
#!/bin/bash # To add this repository please do:

if [ "$(whoami)" != "root" ]; then

${SUDO} apt-get -y install apt-transport-https lsb-release ca-certificates curl
${SUDO} wget -O /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/php.gpg
${SUDO} sh -c 'echo "deb $(lsb_release -sc) main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/php.list'
${SUDO} apt-get update

Changelog for PHP 7.3.19:

- Core:
. Fixed bug #79566 (Private SHM is not private on Windows). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #79489 (.user.ini does not inherit). (cmb)

- GD:
. Fixed bug #79615 (Wrong GIF header written in GD GIFEncode). (sageptr, cmb)

- MySQLnd:
. Fixed bug #79596 (MySQL FLOAT truncates to int some locales). (cmb)

- Opcache:
. Fixed bug #79535 (PHP crashes with specific opcache.optimization_level). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #79588 (Boolean opcache settings ignore on/off values). (cmb)

- Standard:
. Fixed bug #79561 (dns_get_record() fails with DNS_ALL). (cmb)

Changelog for PHP 7.4.7:

- Core:
. Fixed bug #79599 (coredump in set_error_handler). (Laruence)
. Fixed bug #79566 (Private SHM is not private on Windows). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #79489 (.user.ini does not inherit). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #79600 (Regression in 7.4.6 when yielding an array based generator). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #79657 ("yield from" hangs when invalid value encountered). (Nikita)

- FFI:
. Fixed bug #79571 (FFI: var_dumping unions may segfault). (cmb)

- GD:
. Fixed bug #79615 (Wrong GIF header written in GD GIFEncode). (sageptr, cmb)

- Opcache:
. Fixed bug #79588 (Boolean opcache settings ignore on/off values). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #79548 (Preloading segfault with inherited method using static variable). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #79603 (RTD collision with opcache). (Nikita)

- Standard:
. Fixed bug #79561 (dns_get_record() fails with DNS_ALL). (cmb)


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