Fedora Linux 8810 Published by

Remi Collet has released PHP 7.3.31, 7.4.24, and 8.0.11 packages for Fedora and RHEL based Linux distributions.

PHP version 7.3.31, 7.4.24 and 8.0.11

RPMs of PHP version 8.0.11 are available in remi repository for Fedora 35 and remi-php80 repository for Fedora 33-34 and Enterprise Linux (RHEL, CentOS).

RPMs of PHP version 7.4.23 are available in remi repository for Fedora 33-34 and remi-php74 repository Enterprise Linux (RHEL, CentOS).

RPMs of PHP version 7.3.30 are available in remi-php73 repository for Enterprise Linux (RHEL, CentOS).

PHP version 7.2 have reached its end of life and is no longer maintained by the  PHP project.

These versions are also available as Software Collections in the remi-safe repository and as module for Fedora 33-35 and EL-8.

Version announcements:

Installation: use the  Configuration Wizard and choose your version and installation mode.

Replacement of default PHP by version 8.0 installation (simplest):

yum-config-manager --enable remi-php80
yum update

or, the modular way (Fedora and EL 8):

dnf module reset php
dnf module enable php:remi-8.0
dnf update php\*

Parallel installation of version 8.0 as  Software Collection

yum install php80

Replacement of default PHP by version 7.4 installation (simplest):

yum-config-manager --enable remi-php74
yum update

or, the modular way (Fedora and EL 8):

dnf module reset php
dnf module enable php:remi-7.4
dnf update php\*

Parallel installation of version 7.4 as  Software Collection

yum install php74

Replacement of default PHP by version 7.3 installation (simplest):

yum-config-manager --enable remi-php73
yum update php\*

or, the modular way (Fedora and EL 8):

dnf module reset php
dnf module enable php:remi-7.3
dnf update php\*

Parallel installation of version 7.3 as  Software Collection

yum install php73

And soon in the official updates:


PHP version 7.3.31, 7.4.25 and 8.0.11