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The fourth beta of PHP 7.4.0, which is actually the third beta, is now available. The next release is RC 1, scheduled for September 5th.

22 Aug 2019, PHP 7.4.0beta4

- Core:
. Fixed bug #78220 (Can't access OneDrive folder). (cmb, ab)
. Fixed bug #78396 (Second file_put_contents in Shutdown hangs script).
. Fixed bug #78406 (Broken file includes with user-defined stream filters).
. Fixed bug #72530 (Use After Free in GC with Certain Destructors). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #78386 (fstat mode has unexpected value on PHP 7.4). (cmb)

- Date:
. Fixed bug #78383 (Casting a DateTime to array no longer returns its
properties). (Nikita)

- MySQLnd:
. Fixed connect_attr issues and added the _server_host connection attribute.
(Qianqian Bu)

- OpenSSL:
. Fixed bug #78391 (Assertion failure in openssl_random_pseudo_bytes).

- Reflection:
. Fixed bug #78410 (Cannot "manually" unserialize class that is final and
extends an internal one). (Nikita)

- SPL:
. Fixed bug #78409 (Segfault when creating instance of ArrayIterator without
constructor). (Nikita)
  PHP 7.4.0 Beta 4 released