Software 43037 Published by

Sara Golemon has announced the release of PHP 8.0.20.


- CLI:
. Fixed bug GH-8575 (CLI closes standard streams too early). (Levi Morrison)

- Core:
. Fixed Haiku ZTS builds. (David Carlier)

- Date:
. Fixed bug GH-8471 (Segmentation fault when converting immutable and mutable DateTime instances created using reflection). (Derick)

- FPM:
. Fixed ACL build check on MacOS. (David Carlier)
. Fixed bug #72185: php-fpm writes empty fcgi record causing nginx 502. (Jakub Zelenka, loveharmful)

- Mysqlnd:
. Fixed bug #81719: mysqlnd/pdo password buffer overflow. (CVE-2022-31626) (c dot fol at ambionics dot io)

- OPcache:
. Fixed bug GH-8466 (ini_get() is optimized out when the option does not exist). (Arnaud)

- Pcntl:
. Fixed Haiku build. (David Carlier)

- Pgsql:
. Fixed bug #81720: Uninitialized array in pg_query_params(). (CVE-2022-31625) (cmb)

- Soap:
. Fixed bug GH-8578 (Error on wrong parameter on SoapHeader constructor). (robertnisipeanu)
. Fixed bug GH-8538 (SoapClient may strip parts of nmtokens). (cmb)

- SPL:
. Fixed bug GH-8235 (iterator_count() may run indefinitely). (cmb)

- Zip:
. Fixed type for index in ZipArchive::replaceFile. (Martin Rehberger)

Release php-8.0.20 · php/php-src