Debian 10357 Published by

Ondřej Surý has released PHP 8.0.22, 8.1.9, and 8.2.0 Beta 2 packages for Debian GNU/Linux 10 and 11.

To add the repository:
#!/bin/bash # To add this repository please do:

if [ "$(whoami)" != "root" ]; then

${SUDO} apt-get -y install apt-transport-https lsb-release ca-certificates curl
${SUDO} wget -O /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/php.gpg
${SUDO} sh -c 'echo "deb $(lsb_release -sc) main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/php.list'
${SUDO} apt-get update
PHP 8.2.0 Beta 2 for Debian 10

PHP Packages
Issues Tracker


- CLI:
. Fixed potential overflow for the builtin server via the PHP_CLI_SERVER_WORKERS environment variable. (yiyuaner)

- Core:
. Fixed bug GH-8923 (error_log on Windows can hold the file write lock). (cmb)
. Fixed bug GH-8995 (WeakMap object reference offset causing TypeError). (Tobias Bachert)

- Date:
. Fixed bug #80047 (DatePeriod doesn't warn with custom DateTimeImmutable). (Derick)

- DBA:
. Fixed LMDB driver hanging when attempting to delete a non-existing key (Girgias)

- FPM:
. Fixed zlog message prepend, free on incorrect address. (Heiko Weber)
. Fixed possible double free on configuration loading failure. (Heiko Weber).

- GD:
. Fixed bug GH-8848 (imagecopyresized() error refers to the wrong argument). (cmb)

- Intl:
. Fixed build for ICU 69.x and onwards. (David Carlier)

- OPcache:
. Fixed bug GH-8847 (PHP hanging infinitly at 100% cpu when check php syntaxe of a valid file). (Dmitry)

- Standard:
. Fixed the crypt_sha256/512 api build with clang > 12. (David Carlier)
. Uses CCRandomGenerateBytes instead of arc4random_buf on macOs. (David Carlier).


- CLI:
. Fixed potential overflow for the builtin server via the PHP_CLI_SERVER_WORKERS environment variable. (yiyuaner)

- Core:
. Fixed bug GH-8923 (error_log on Windows can hold the file write lock). (cmb)
. Fixed bug GH-8995 (WeakMap object reference offset causing TypeError). (Tobias Bachert)

- CLI:
. Fixed GH-8952 (Intentionally closing std handles no longer possible). (Arnaud, cmb)

- Date:
. Fixed bug #80047 (DatePeriod doesn't warn with custom DateTimeImmutable). (Derick)

- FPM:
. Fixed zlog message prepend, free on incorrect address. (Heiko Weber)
. Fixed possible double free on configuration loading failure. (Heiko Weber).

- GD:
. Fixed bug GH-8848 (imagecopyresized() error refers to the wrong argument). (cmb)

- Intl:
. Fixed build for ICU 69.x and onwards. (David Carlier)

- OPcache:
. Fixed bug GH-8847 (PHP hanging infinitly at 100% cpu when check php syntaxe of a valid file). (Dmitry)
. Fixed bug GH-8030 (Segfault with JIT and large match/switch statements). (Arnaud)

- Reflection:
. Fixed bug GH-8943 (Fixed Reflection::getModifiersNames() with readonly modifier). (Pierrick)

- Standard:
. Fixed the crypt_sha256/512 api build with clang > 12. (David Carlier)
. Uses CCRandomGenerateBytes instead of arc4random_buf on macOs. (David Carlier).
. Fixed bug GH-9017 (php_stream_sock_open_from_socket could return NULL). (Heiko Weber)


- Core:
. Fixed bug GH-7900 (Arrow function with never return type compile-time errors). (ilutov)

- Date:
. Fixed bug GH-8730 (DateTime::diff miscalculation is same time zone of different type). (Derick)
. Fixed bug GH-8964 (DateTime object comparison after applying delta less than 1 second). (Derick)
. Fixed bug GH-9106: (DateInterval 1.5s added to DateTimeInterface is rounded down since PHP 8.1.0). (Derick)
. Fixed bug #75035 (Datetime fails to unserialize "extreme" dates). (Derick)
. Fixed bug #80483 (DateTime Object with 5-digit year can't unserialized). (Derick)
. Fixed bug #81263 (Wrong result from DateTimeImmutable::diff). (Derick)

- DBA:
. Fixed LMDB driver memory leak on DB creation failure (Girgias)
. Fixed GH-8856 (dba: lmdb: allow to override the MDB_NOSUBDIR flag). (Girgias)

- FFI:
. Fixed bug GH-9090 (Support assigning function pointers in FFI). (Adam Saponara)

- Intl:
. Declared Transliterator::$id as readonly to unlock subclassing it. (Nicolas Grekas)

- OPcache:
. Fixed bug GH-9164 (Segfault in zend_accel_class_hash_copy). (Arnaud, Sergei Turchanov)

. Fixed pcntl_(get|set)priority error handling for MacOS. (Juan Morales)

- Random:
. Fixed bug GH-9067 (random extension is not thread safe). (cmb)
. Fixed bug GH-9055 (segmentation fault if user engine throws). (timwolla)
. Fixed bug GH-9066 (signed integer overflow). (zeriyoshi)
. Fixed bug GH-9083 (undefined behavior during shifting). (timwolla)
. Fixed bug GH-9088, GH-9056 (incorrect expansion of bytes when generating uniform integers within a given range). (timwolla)
. Fixed bug GH-9089 (Fix memory leak on Randomizer::__construct() call twice). (zeriyoshi)
. Fixed bug GH-9212 (PcgOneseq128XslRr64::jump() should not allow negative $advance). (Anton Smirnov)
. Changed Mt19937 to throw a ValueError instead of InvalidArgumentException for invalid $mode. (timwolla)
. Splitted Random\Randomizer::getInt() (without arguments) to Random\Randomizer::nextInt(). (zeriyoshi)

- Sockets:
. Added SOL_FILTER socket option for Solaris. (David Carlier)

- SPL:
. Fixed bug #69181 (READ_CSV|DROP_NEW_LINE drops newlines within fields). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #65069 (GlobIterator incorrect handling of open_basedir check). (Jakub Zelenka)