Fedora Linux 8890 Published by

Remi Collet has released PHP 8.1.0 Beta 3 packages for Fedora and RHEL based Linux distributions for testing.

PHP 8.1 as Software Collection

Version  8.1.0alpha1 is released. It's still in development and will enter soon in the stabilization phase for the developers, and the test phase for the users.

RPM of this upcoming version of PHP 8.1, are available in remi repository for Fedora 33, 34 and Enterprise Linux 7, 8 (RHEL, CentOS, ...) in a fresh new  Software Collection (php81) allowing its installation beside the system version.

As I strongly believe in SCL potential to provide a simple way to allow installation of various versions simultaneously, and as I think it is useful to offer this feature to allow developers to test their applications, to allow sysadmin to prepare a migration or simply to use this version for some specific application, I decide to create this new SCL.

I also plan to propose this new version as a Fedora 36 change (as F35 should be released a few weeks before PHP 8.1.0).

Installation :

yum install php81

To be noticed:

  • the SCL is independant from the system, and doesn't alter it
  • this SCL is available in remi-safe repository (or remi for Fedora)
  • installation is under the /opt/remi/php80 tree, configuration under the /etc/opt/remi/php80 tree
  • the Apache module, php81-php, is available, but of course, only one mod_php can be used (so you have to disable or uninstall any other, the one provided by the default "php" package still have priority)
  • the FPM service (php81-php-fpm) is available, it listens on default port 9000, so you have to change the configuration if you want to use various FPM services simultaneously.
  • the php81 command give a simple access to this new version, however the scl command is still the recommended way (or the module command).
  • for now, the collection provides 8.1.0alpha1, and alpha/beta/RC versions should be released in the next weeks
  • some of the PECL extensions are already available, see the  extensions status page
  • traking issue  #177 can be used to follow the work in progress
  • the new php81-syspaths package allows to use it as the system default version

Also read other entries about  SCL. especially description of my  My PHP workstation.

$ module load php81
$ php --version
PHP 8.1.0alpha1 (cli) (built: Jun  8 2021 16:24:50) (NTS gcc x86_64)
Copyright (c) The PHP Group
Zend Engine v4.1.0-dev, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies

As always, your feedback is welcome, a SCL dedicated  forum is open.

Updated to Third Beta


PHP 8.1 as Software Collection