Software 42905 Published by

Ben Ramsey has announced the release of PHP 8.1.10.


- Core: . Fixed --CGI-- support of run-tests.php. (cmb)
. Fixed incorrect double to long casting in latest clang. (zeriyoshi)
. Fixed bug GH-9266 (GC root buffer keeps growing when dtors are present). (Michael Olšavský)

- Date:
. Fixed bug GH-8730 (DateTime::diff miscalculation is same time zone of different type). (Derick)
. Fixed bug GH-8964 (DateTime object comparison after applying delta less than 1 second). (Derick)
. Fixed bug GH-9106: (DateInterval 1.5s added to DateTimeInterface is rounded down since PHP 8.1.0). (Derick)
. Fixed bug #81263 (Wrong result from DateTimeImmutable::diff). (Derick)

- DBA:
. Fixed LMDB driver memory leak on DB creation failure (Girgias)
. Fixed bug GH-9155 (dba_open("non-existing", "c-", "flatfile") segfaults) (cmb)

. Fixed bug GH-9309 (Segfault when connection is used after imap_close()). (cmb)

- Intl:
. Fixed IntlDateFormatter::formatObject() parameter type. (Gert de Pagter)

- MBString:
. Fixed bug GH-9008 (mb_detect_encoding(): wrong results with null $encodings). (cmb)

- OPcache:
. Fixed bug GH-9033 (Loading blacklist file can fail due to negative length). (cmb)
. Fixed bug GH-9164 (Segfault in zend_accel_class_hash_copy). (Arnaud, Sergei Turchanov)

- PDO_SQLite:
. Fixed bug GH-9032 (SQLite3 authorizer crashes on NULL values). (cmb)

- SQLite3:
. Fixed bug GH-9032 (SQLite3 authorizer crashes on NULL values). (cmb)

- Streams:
. Fixed bug GH-8472 (The resource returned by stream_socket_accept may have incorrect metadata). (Jakub Zelenka)
. Fixed bug GH-8409 (SSL handshake timeout leaves persistent connections hanging). (Jakub Zelenka, Twosee)
