Debian 10363 Published by

Ondřej Surý has released PHP 8.1.25, 8.2.12, and 8.3.0RC5 packages for Debian GNU/Linux 10 LTS, 11, and 12.

To add the repository:
#!/bin/bash # To add this repository please do:

if [ "$(whoami)" != "root" ]; then

${SUDO} apt-get -y install apt-transport-https lsb-release ca-certificates curl
${SUDO} wget -O /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/php.gpg
${SUDO} sh -c 'echo "deb $(lsb_release -sc) main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/php.list'
${SUDO} apt-get update


- Core:
. Fixed bug GH-12207 (memory leak when class using trait with doc block).
. Fixed bug GH-12215 (Module entry being overwritten causes type errors in
ext/dom). (nielsdos)
. Fixed bug GH-12273 (__builtin_cpu_init check). (Freaky)
. Fixed bug #80092 (ZTS + preload = segfault on shutdown). (nielsdos)

- CLI:
. Ensure a single Date header is present. (coppolafab)

- CType:
. Fixed bug GH-11997 (ctype_alnum 5 times slower in PHP 8.1 or greater).

- DOM:
. Restore old namespace reconciliation behaviour. (nielsdos)
. Fixed bug GH-8996 (DOMNode serialization on PHP ^8.1). (nielsdos)

- Fileinfo:
. Fixed bug GH-11891 (fileinfo returns text/xml for some svg files). (usarise)

- Filter:

- Hash:
. Fixed bug GH-12186 (segfault copying/cloning a finalized HashContext).

- Intl:
. Fixed bug GH-12243 (segfault on IntlDateFormatter::construct).
(David Carlier)
. Fixed bug GH-12282 (IntlDateFormatter::construct should throw an exception
on an invalid locale). (David Carlier)

- MySQLnd:
. Fixed bug GH-12297 (PHP Startup: Invalid library (maybe not a PHP library)
'' in Unknown on line). (nielsdos)

- Opcache:
. Fixed opcache_invalidate() on deleted file. (mikhainin)
. Fixed bug GH-12380 (JIT+private array property access inside closure
accesses private property in child class). (nielsdos)

. Fixed bug GH-11956 (Backport upstream fix, PCRE regular expressions with
JIT enabled gives different result). (nielsdos)

- SimpleXML:
. Fixed bug GH-12170 (Can't use xpath with comments in SimpleXML). (nielsdos)
. Fixed bug GH-12223 (Entity reference produces infinite loop in
var_dump/print_r). (nielsdos)
. Fixed bug GH-12167 (Unable to get processing instruction contents in
SimpleXML). (nielsdos)
. Fixed bug GH-12169 (Unable to get comment contents in SimpleXML).

- Streams:
. Fixed bug GH-12190 (binding ipv4 address with both address and port at 0).
(David Carlier)

- XML:
. Fix return type of stub of xml_parse_into_struct(). (nielsdos)
. Fix memory leak when calling xml_parse_into_struct() twice. (nielsdos)

- XSL:
. Fix type error on XSLTProcessor::transformToDoc return value with
SimpleXML. (nielsdos)

- Sockets:
. Fix socket_export_stream() with wrong protocol (twosee)


- Core:
. Fixed bug GH-12207 (memory leak when class using trait with doc block).
. Fixed bug GH-12215 (Module entry being overwritten causes type errors in
ext/dom). (nielsdos)
. Fixed bug GH-12273 (__builtin_cpu_init check). (Freaky)
. Fixed bug #80092 (ZTS + preload = segfault on shutdown). (nielsdos)

- CLI:
. Ensure a single Date header is present. (coppolafab)

- CType:
. Fixed bug GH-11997 (ctype_alnum 5 times slower in PHP 8.1 or greater).

- DOM:
. Restore old namespace reconciliation behaviour. (nielsdos)
. Fixed bug GH-8996 (DOMNode serialization on PHP ^8.1). (nielsdos)

- Fileinfo:
. Fixed bug GH-11891 (fileinfo returns text/xml for some svg files). (usarise)

- Filter:

- Hash:
. Fixed bug GH-12186 (segfault copying/cloning a finalized HashContext).

- Intl:
. Fixed bug GH-12243 (segfault on IntlDateFormatter::construct).
(David Carlier)
. Fixed bug GH-12282 (IntlDateFormatter::construct should throw an exception
on an invalid locale). (David Carlier)

- MySQLnd:
. Fixed bug GH-12297 (PHP Startup: Invalid library (maybe not a PHP library)
'' in Unknown on line). (nielsdos)

- Opcache:
. Fixed opcache_invalidate() on deleted file. (mikhainin)
. Fixed bug GH-12380 (JIT+private array property access inside closure
accesses private property in child class). (nielsdos)

. Fixed bug GH-11956 (Backport upstream fix, PCRE regular expressions with
JIT enabled gives different result). (nielsdos)

- SimpleXML:
. Fixed bug GH-12170 (Can't use xpath with comments in SimpleXML). (nielsdos)
. Fixed bug GH-12223 (Entity reference produces infinite loop in
var_dump/print_r). (nielsdos)
. Fixed bug GH-12167 (Unable to get processing instruction contents in
SimpleXML). (nielsdos)
. Fixed bug GH-12169 (Unable to get comment contents in SimpleXML).

- Streams:
. Fixed bug GH-12190 (binding ipv4 address with both address and port at 0).
(David Carlier)

- XML:
. Fix return type of stub of xml_parse_into_struct(). (nielsdos)
. Fix memory leak when calling xml_parse_into_struct() twice. (nielsdos)

- XSL:
. Fix type error on XSLTProcessor::transformToDoc return value with
SimpleXML. (nielsdos)


- Core:
. Fixed double-free of non-interned enum case name. (ilutov)
. Fixed bug GH-12457 (Incorrect result of stripos with single character
needle). (SakiTakamachi)
. Fixed bug GH-12468 (Double-free of doc_comment when overriding static
property via trait). (ilutov)

- DOM:
. Fix registerNodeClass with abstract class crashing. (nielsdos)
. Fix compile error when php_libxml.h header is included in C++.
(Remi, nielsdos)

- Fiber:
. Fixed bug GH-11121 (ReflectionFiber segfault). (danog, trowski, bwoebi)

- FPM:
. Fixed bug GH-12232 (FPM: segfault dynamically loading extension without
opcache). (Jakub Zelenka)

- Opcache:
. Added warning when JIT cannot be enabled. (danog)
. Fixed bug GH-8143 (Crashes in zend_accel_inheritance_cache_find since
upgrading to 8.1.3 due to corrupt on-disk file cache). (turchanov)

- OpenSSL:
Fixed bug GH-12489 (Missing sigbio creation checking in openssl_cms_verify).
(Jakub Zelenka)

- Random:
. Fix Randomizer::getFloat() returning incorrect results under
certain circumstances. (timwolla)

. Fixed bug GH-12392 (Segmentation fault on SoapClient::__getTypes).
. Fixed bug #66150 (SOAP WSDL cache race condition causes Segmentation
Fault). (nielsdos)
. Fixed bug #67617 (SOAP leaves incomplete cache file on ENOSPC). (nielsdos)
. Fix incorrect uri check in SOAP caching. (nielsdos)
. Fix segfault and assertion failure with refcounted props and arrays.

- Streams:
. Fixed bug #75708 (getimagesize with "&$imageinfo" fails on StreamWrappers).
(Jakub Zelenka)

- XSL:
. Add missing module dependency. (nielsdos)


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