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PHP 8.2.27 has been released and fixes various bugs in various areas, including calendar, COM, core, GD, GMP, hash, OPCCache, OpenSSL, PDO, Phar, PHPDBG, SAPI, SimpleXML, SNMP, Standard, Streams, and Windows.


- Calendar:
. Fixed jdtogregorian overflow. (David Carlier)
. Fixed cal_to_jd julian_days argument overflow. (David Carlier)

- COM:
. Fixed bug GH-16991 (Getting typeinfo of non DISPATCH variant segfaults).

- Core:
. Fail early in *nix configuration build script. (hakre)
. Fixed bug GH-16727 (Opcache bad signal 139 crash in ZTS bookworm
(frankenphp)). (nielsdos)
. Fixed bug GH-16799 (Assertion failure at Zend/zend_vm_execute.h:7469).
. Fixed bug GH-16630 (UAF in lexer with encoding translation and heredocs).
. Fix is_zend_ptr() huge block comparison. (nielsdos)
. Fixed potential OOB read in zend_dirname() on Windows. (cmb)

- Curl:
. Fix various memory leaks in curl mime handling. (nielsdos)

- FPM:
. Fixed GH-16432 (PHP-FPM 8.2 SIGSEGV in fpm_get_status). (Jakub Zelenka)

- GD:
. Fixed GH-16776 (imagecreatefromstring overflow). (David Carlier)

- GMP:
. Revert gmp_pow() overly restrictive overflow checks.
(David Carlier)

- Hash:
. Fixed GH-16711: Segfault in mhash(). (Girgias)

- Opcache:
. Fixed bug GH-16770 (Tracing JIT type mismatch when returning UNDEF).
(nielsdos, Dmitry)
. Fixed bug GH-16851 (JIT_G(enabled) not set correctly on other threads).
. Fixed bug GH-16902 (Set of opcache tests fail zts+aarch64). (nielsdos)

- OpenSSL:
. Prevent unexpected array entry conversion when reading key. (nielsdos)
. Fix various memory leaks related to openssl exports. (nielsdos)
. Fix memory leak in php_openssl_pkey_from_zval(). (nielsdos)

- PDO:
. Fixed memory leak of `setFetchMode()`. (SakiTakamachi)

- Phar:
. Fixed bug GH-16695 (phar:// tar parser and zero-length file header blocks).
(nielsdos, Hans Krentel)

. Fixed bug GH-15208 (Segfault with breakpoint map and phpdbg_clear()).

. Fixed bug GH-16998 (UBSAN warning in rfc1867). (nielsdos)

- SimpleXML:
. Fixed bug GH-16808 (Segmentation fault in RecursiveIteratorIterator
->current() with a xml element input). (nielsdos)

. Fixed bug GH-16959 (snmget modifies the object_id array).
(David Carlier)

- Standard:
. Fixed bug GH-16905 (Internal iterator functions can't handle UNDEF
properties). (nielsdos)

- Streams:
. Fixed network connect poll interuption handling. (Jakub Zelenka)

- Windows:
. Fixed bug GH-16849 (Error dialog causes process to hang). (cmb)

Release php-8.2.27 · php/php-src