Software 42967 Published by

Jakub Zelenka has announced the release of the second beta version of PHP 8.3.0.


- Bcmath
. Fixed GH-11761 (removing trailing zeros from numbers) (jorgsowa)

- Core:
. Fixed oss-fuzz #60741 (Leak in open_basedir). (ilutov)

- DOM:
. Fixed bug GH-11792 (LIBXML_NOXMLDECL is not implemented or broken).

- FFI:
. Fix leaking definitions when using FFI::cdef()->new(...). (ilutov)

- Libxml:
. Fixed bug GHSA-3qrf-m4j2-pcrr (Security issue with external entity loading
in XML without enabling it). (CVE-2023-3823) (nielsdos, ilutov)

- MBString:
. Fix use-after-free of mb_list_encodings() return value. (ilutov)

- Opcache:
. Avoid adding an unnecessary read-lock when loading script from shm if
restart is in progress. (mikhainin)

- Phar:
. Fixed bug GHSA-jqcx-ccgc-xwhv (Buffer mismanagement in phar_dir_read()).
(CVE-2023-3824) (nielsdos)

- Streams:
. Fixed bug GH-11735 (Use-after-free when unregistering user stream wrapper
from itself). (ilutov)

Release php-8.3.0beta2 · php/php-src