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The release candidate for PHP 8.3.11 is now available for testing.


- Core:
. Fixed bug GH-15020 (Memory leak in Zend/Optimizer/escape_analysis.c).
. Fixed bug GH-15023 (Memory leak in Zend/zend_ini.c). (nielsdos)
. Fixed bug GH-13330 (Append -Wno-implicit-fallthrough flag conditionally).
(Peter Kokot)
. Fix uninitialized memory in network.c. (nielsdos)
. Fixed bug GH-15108 (Segfault when destroying generator during shutdown).
. Fixed bug GH-15275 (Crash during GC of suspended generator delegate).

- Curl:
. Fixed case when curl_error returns an empty string.
(David Carlier)

- DOM:
. Fix UAF when removing doctype and using foreach iteration. (nielsdos)

- FFI:
. Fixed bug GH-14286 (ffi enum type (when enum has no name) make memory
leak). (nielsdos, dstogov)

- Hash:
. Fix crash when converting array data for array in shm in xxh3. (nielsdos)

- Intl:
. Fixed bug GH-15087 (IntlChar::foldCase()'s $option is not optional). (cmb)

- Opcache:
. Fixed bug GH-13817 (Segmentation fault for enabled observers after pass 4).
. Fixed bug GH-13775 (Memory leak possibly related to opcache SHM placement).
(Arnaud, nielsdos)

- Output:
. Fixed bug GH-15179 (Segmentation fault (null pointer dereference) in
ext/standard/ (nielsdos)

- PDO_Firebird:
. Fix bogus fallthrough path in firebird_handle_get_attribute(). (nielsdos)

. Fixed bug GH-13199 (EOF emits redundant prompt in phpdbg local console mode
with libedit/readline). (Peter Kokot)
. Fixed bug GH-15268 (heap buffer overflow in phpdbg
(zend_hash_num_elements() Zend/zend_hash.h)). (nielsdos)
. Fixed bug GH-15210 use-after-free on watchpoint allocations. (nielsdos)

- Soap:
. Fixed bug #55639 (Digest autentication dont work). (nielsdos)
. Fix SoapFault property destruction. (nielsdos)
. Fixed bug GH-15252 (SOAP XML broken since PHP 8.3.9 when using classmap
constructor option). (nielsdos)

- Standard:
. Fix passing non-finite timeout values in stream functions. (nielsdos)
. Fixed GH-14780 p(f)sockopen timeout overflow. (David Carlier)

- Streams:
. Fixed bug GH-15028 (Memory leak in ext/phar/stream.c). (nielsdos)
. Fixed bug GH-15034 (Integer overflow on stream_notification_callback
byte_max parameter with files bigger than 2GB). (nielsdos)

- Tidy:
. Fix memory leaks in ext/tidy basedir restriction code. (nielsdos)

Release php-8.3.11RC1 · php/php-src