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Saki Takamachi has announced the third alpha version of PHP 8.4.0.


- Core:
. Fix GH-14978 (The xmlreader extension phpize build). (Peter Kokot)
. Throw Error exception when encountering recursion during comparison, rather
than fatal error. (ilutov)
. Added missing cstddef include for C++ builds. (cmb)
. Fixed bug GH-15108 (Segfault when destroying generator during shutdown).

- BCMath:
. Adjust bcround()'s $mode parameter to only accept the RoundingMode
enum. (timwolla, saki)

- DOM:
. Fix trampoline leak in xpath callables. (nielsdos)
. Throw instead of silently failing when creating a too long text node in
(DOM)ParentNode and (DOM)ChildNode. (nielsdos)

- FPM:
. /dev/poll events.mechanism for Solaris/Illumos setting had been retired.
(David Carlier)

- GMP:
. The GMP class is now final and cannot be extended anymore. (Girgias)

- Intl:
. Added SpoofChecker::setAllowedChars to set unicode chars ranges.
(David Carlier)
. Fixed bug GH-15087 (IntlChar::foldCase()'s $option is not optional). (cmb)

- Opcache:
. Fixed bug GH-13775 (Memory leak possibly related to opcache SHM placement).
(Arnaud, nielsdos)

- OpenSSL:
. Bumped minimum required OpenSSL version to 1.1.0. (cmb)

. Added Pdo\Firebird::ATTR_API_VERSION. (SakiTakamachi)
. Added getApiVersion() and removed from getAttribute().
. Supported Firebird 4.0 datatypes. (sim1984)

. pg_convert/pg_insert/pg_update/pg_delete ; regexes are now cached.
(David Carlier)

- Random:
. Fixed bug GH-15094 (php_random_default_engine() is not C++ conforming).

- Readline:
. Fixed readline_info, rl_line_buffer_length/rl_len globals on update.
(David Carlier)

- Standard:
. Fix references in request_parse_body() options array. (nielsdos)
. Add RoundingMode enum. (timwolla, saki)

- Tidy:
. Failures in the constructor now throw exceptions rather than emitting
warnings and having a broken object. (nielsdos)
. Add tidyNode::getNextSibling() and tidyNode::getPreviousSibling().

- XMLReader:
. Fixed bug GH-15123 (var_dump doesn't actually work on XMLReader).

- XSL:
. Fix trampoline leak in xpath callables. (nielsdos)

Release php-8.4.0alpha3 · php/php-src