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PHP 8.4.4 has been updated to resolve various issues, including failures in numeric parent hook calls, ini_parse_quantity() failures, and NULL arithmetic during system program execution on Windows. The update also addresses potential out-of-bounds issues when checking for trailing spaces on Windows, UTF-8 corruption in \Dom\HTMLDocument, and use-after-free vulnerabilities when modifying default fetch class constructor arguments.


- Core:
. Fixed bug GH-17234 (Numeric parent hook call fails with assertion).
. Fixed bug GH-16892 (ini_parse_quantity() fails to parse inputs starting
with 0x0b). (nielsdos)
. Fixed bug GH-16886 (ini_parse_quantity() fails to emit warning for 0x+0).
. Fixed bug GH-17222 (__PROPERTY__ magic constant does not work in all
constant expression contexts). (ilutov)
. Fixed bug GH-17214 (Relax final+private warning for trait methods with
inherited final). (ilutov)
. Fixed NULL arithmetic during system program execution on Windows. (cmb,
. Fixed potential OOB when checking for trailing spaces on Windows. (cmb)
. Fixed bug GH-17408 (Assertion failure Zend/zend_exceptions.c).
(nielsdos, ilutov)
. Fix may_have_extra_named_args flag for ZEND_AST_UNPACK. (nielsdos)
. Fix NULL arithmetic in System V shared memory emulation for Windows. (cmb)
. Fixed bug GH-17597 (#[\Deprecated] does not work for __call() and
__callStatic()). (timwolla)

- DOM:
. Fixed bug GH-17397 (Assertion failure ext/dom/php_dom.c). (nielsdos)
. Fixed bug GH-17486 (Incorrect error line numbers reported in
Dom\HTMLDocument::createFromString). (nielsdos)
. Fixed bug GH-17481 (UTF-8 corruption in \Dom\HTMLDocument). (nielsdos)
. Fixed bug GH-17500 (Segfault with requesting nodeName on nameless doctype).
. Fixed bug GH-17485 (upstream fix, Self-closing tag on void elements
shouldn't be a parse error/warning in \Dom\HTMLDocument). (lexborisov)
. Fixed bug GH-17572 (getElementsByTagName returns collections with
tagName-based indexing). (nielsdos)

- Enchant:
. Fix crashes in enchant when passing null bytes. (nielsdos)

- FTP:
. Fixed bug GH-16800 (ftp functions can abort with EINTR). (nielsdos)

- GD:
. Fixed bug GH-17349 (Tiled truecolor filling looses single color
transparency). (cmb)
. Fixed bug GH-17373 (imagefttext() ignores clipping rect for palette
images). (cmb)
. Ported fix for libgd 223 (gdImageRotateGeneric() does not properly
interpolate). (cmb)
. Added support for reading GIFs without colormap to bundled libgd. (Andrew
Burley, cmb)

- Gettext:
. Fixed bug GH-17400 (bindtextdomain SEGV on invalid domain).
(David Carlier)

- Intl:
. Fixed bug GH-11874 (intl causing segfault in docker images). (nielsdos)

- Opcache:
. Fixed bug GH-15981 (Segfault with frameless jumps and minimal JIT).
. Fixed bug GH-17307 (Internal closure causes JIT failure). (nielsdos)
. Fixed bug GH-17428 (Assertion failure ext/opcache/jit/zend_jit_ir.c:8940).
. Fixed bug GH-17564 (Potential UB when reading from / writing to struct
padding). (ilutov)

. Fixed pcntl_setcpuaffinity exception type from ValueError to TypeError for
the cpu mask argument with entries type different than int/string.
(David Carlier)

. Fixed bug GH-17122 (memory leak in regex). (nielsdos)

- PDO:
. Fixed a memory leak when the GC is used to free a PDOStatment. (Girgias)
. Fixed a crash in the PDO Firebird Statement destructor. (nielsdos)
. Fixed UAFs when changing default fetch class ctor args. (Girgias, nielsdos)

- PgSql:
. Fixed build failure when the constant PGRES_TUPLES_CHUNK is not present
in the system. (chschneider)

- Phar:
. Fixed bug GH-17518 (offset overflow phar extractTo()). (nielsdos)

. Fix crashes in function registration + test. (nielsdos, Girgias)

- Session:
. Fix type confusion with session SID constant. (nielsdos)
. Fixed bug GH-17541 (ext/session NULL pointer dereferencement during
ID reset). (Girgias)

- SimpleXML:
. Fixed bug GH-17409 (Assertion failure Zend/zend_hash.c:1730). (nielsdos)

. Fixed bug GH-17330 (SNMP::setSecurity segfault on closed session).
(David Carlier)

- SPL:
. Fixed bug GH-15833 (Segmentation fault (access null pointer) in
ext/spl/spl_array.c). (nielsdos)
. Fixed bug GH-17516 (SplFileTempObject::getPathInfo() Undefined behavior
on invalid class). (David Carlier)

- Standard:
. Fixed bug GH-17447 (Assertion failure when array popping a self addressing
variable). (nielsdos)

- Windows:
. Fixed clang compiler detection. (cmb)

- Zip:
. Fixed bug GH-17139 (Fix zip_entry_name() crash on invalid entry).

Release php-8.4.4 · php/php-src