Pop!_OS 15 Published by

System76 has announced the release of Pop!_OS 24.04 LTS Alpha 5. The release features an early version of the COSMIC Media Player, User Settings, and critical updates to Alt+Tab, variable refresh rates, and additional enhancements. The COSMIC Media Player has been designated as the default media player, and the team is currently developing a COSMIC-native codec installation application to succeed sessioninstaller. The updated Users Settings page provides a comprehensive overview of all user accounts established within the system, enabling users to modify their usernames, passwords, and administrative privileges.

2025: The Year of COSMIC — Alpha 5 Released!

System76 kicks off 2025 with a new COSMIC Alpha release! Our team is rested and racing towards an approaching Beta of our new Rust-based desktop environment for Pop!_OS and other distros. COSMIC Alpha 5 brings an early version of the COSMIC Media Player, Users Settings, and essential updates to Alt+Tab, variable refresh rates, and more!

COSMIC Media Player

COSMIC Media Player is now the default media player. We’re also developing a COSMIC-native codec installation application to replace sessioninstaller. While still a work in progress, COSMIC Media Player uses vulkan for rendering and vaapi for decoding (where available) for efficient video playback. Audio playback support will be added in the near future as well.


The current state of the COSMIC Media Player, featuring the Blender-made animated short, “Wing It!”

Alt+Tab recency ordering

Cycling through your open apps using Alt+Tab or Super+Tab will now  cycle the apps in the order they were last active. Hold Alt or Super to select the app from the Launcher using Tab, or quickly press and release the shortcut to jump to the most recent active window. To cycle between apps  in reverse order, use Alt (or Super) + Shift + Tab.

Variable Refresh Rate Updates

VRR has been refined to take into account a display’s minimum refresh rate. These refinements ensure that the cursor appears to move smoothly, even if an application runs below this minimum refresh rate. The resulting stable cursor framerate is most apparent in non-game applications running in fullscreen mode.

Users Settings

This  new settings page lists all user accounts created for the system. When you click on a user, a dropdown reveals options to change the current User’s username and password. Admin Users can change these settings as well, plus toggle Admin permissions for another User.

The Users Settings page includes fields for editing a user's name, username, password, and admin access, as well as a button for adding a user.

Open links in Terminal

Links can now be opened from COSMIC Terminal by simply  left-clicking on the URL.

ContextDrawer navigation

Header buttons have been added to the  ContextDrawer widget. For example, select “Show Details” (or Ctrl+Space) on an image file to open the ContextDrawer. Here, you can use the arrows in the top-left to navigate to the previous or next image, and use the window icon to view the image in a Gallery preview.

Screenshot of the Pictures folder with “Show details” active. Above the image preview are buttons for cycling to the previous image, next image, or viewing the selected image in Gallery view.

Bug fixes and improvements

To update or install, visit  https://system76.com/cosmic/

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