Software 42986 Published by

GloriousEggroll has released an updated custom build of their Proton fork with fixes for Trails of Mana, Devl May Cry 5, Power Rangers Battle, Seven, Borderlands 3, Resident Evil 2/3, Red Dead Redemption 2 single player story mode, and Dragon Star Varnir.

This release is mainly a big cleanup of the mfplat stuff that was broken and should get most of the things working which were working before in addition to a few new fixes:

MFPlat/Video playback fixes:

-Trials of Mana video playback fixed
-Devil May Cry 5's "History of DMC" video playback fixed
-Power Rangers Battle for the Grid video playback fixed
-Seven: Days Long Gone video playback fixed
-Borderlands 3 Marcus intro video playback fixed
-Resident Evil 2/3 video playback fixed

Other Game fixes:

-Red Dead Redemption 2 single player story mode finally works
-Dragon Star Varnir opening crash fixed -- game is now playable

Component updates:

-DXVK updated
-VKD3D updated
-OpenXR patches updated

Still Broken:

-Red Dead Redemption 2 online mode does not work (disconnects)
-GTA V puts users in solo session
-Catherine Classic still hangs at new game loading screen
-Darksiders Warmastered Edition hangs at thq nordiq intro logo
-Grandia/Grandia II HD Remaster still crash on opening.


Download Proton 6.5-GE-1 from GitHub
Installation Instructions