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A new version of the Proxmox Mail Gateway has been released. The new version based on Debian GNU/Linux 11 (Bullseye) with Kernel 5.11 and uses Postfix, ClamAV, and SpamAssassin.

Here the press release:

Proxmox Mail Gateway 7.0 Released

Enterprise software developer Proxmox Server Solutions GmbH (henceforth "Proxmox") today released the next major version 7.0 of Proxmox Mail Gateway, its open-source email security solution. The Mail Gateway is a complete operating system based on Debian 11 “Bullseye”, but using the newer Linux kernel 5.11. Proxmox ships the latest upstream release of Apache SpamAssassin 3.4.6, with an updated rule set; PostgreSQL 13 is also included.

The anti-spam and anti-virus filtering solution, available since 2005, functions as a full-featured mail proxy, that is deployed between the firewall and the internal mail server. It protects organizations against threats, such as spam, viruses, Trojans, and phishing emails. As one of the few open-source enterprise email filtering solutions available, Proxmox Mail Gateway continually provides updates to current versions of its underlying Linux distribution, helping companies to stay safe and up-to-date in a security sensitive domain.

What’s new in Proxmox Mail Gateway 7.0

  • This release brings improvements to the web-based user interface, including a more detailed dashboard status panel, that provides a faster system overview to the administrators. It is now possible to manage the APT repositories via the GUI with a new panel in the ‘Administration’ tab. The new ’Repositories’ panel shows an in-depth status report, as well as a list of all configured repositories, and allows users to enable or disable a repository
  • The ACME/Let's encrypt now supports using wildcard domains with the DNS plugins.
  • API: For improved security, the API proxy daemon can now be restricted to listening on one particular IP through the LISTEN_IP parameter. This enables secure configurations, for example, making it accessible on localhost and accessing it through a VPN only, or preventing it from listening on IPv6, by simply configuring the IPv4 wildcard as LISTEN_IP.
  • Improved Proxmox Installer: The Proxmox installer environment now has improved ISO detection, and can automatically detect HiDPI screens and increase console font and GUI scaling accordingly.


Proxmox Mail Gateway is released under the GNU Affero GPL, v3 and is available as an ISO, which can be installed on bare metal, or a VM. The ISO contains an installation wizard that automatically installs and configures all the necessary components on the host. This eliminates the need for manual configuration later. The ISO contains the complete feature-set and can be downloaded at

Upgrade from Proxmox Mail Gateway 6.x to 7.0: A detailed step-by-step upgrade guide is available at

Additionally, you can install Proxmox Mail Gateway as a container appliance inside Proxmox VE.

For enterprise users, Proxmox Server Solutions GmbH offers a subscription-based support model, which provides access to the extensively tested Enterprise Repository, as well as technical support. Subscription prices start at EUR 139 per host, per year, for unlimited users and domains. The Enterprise Repository provides regular updates via the web interface, and is recommended for production use.
