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Proxmox VE 2.0 beta2 has been released

We just released the second beta of Proxmox VE 2.0 (new ISO and also updated the repository). Just run "aptitude update && aptitude dist-upgrade" to update from the first beta.

A big Thank-you to our active community for all feedback, testing, bug reporting and patch submissions.

New Features

- Backup and Restore
GUI and CLI, works for OpenVZ containers and KVM VM´s
"Backup Now" via GUI
Complete new backup scheduler
All jobs can be monitored as “Recent tasks”
vzdump package is obsolete, all code went into pve-manager package
- OpenVZ
Multiple storages for OpenVZ container, no limit to /var/lib/vz anymore!!!
vswap support
Improved init.log (shows startup logs of a OpenVZ container)
- KVM monitor
- Simple File Manager
Upload ISO images and templates via browser
No size limit anymore, you can upload DVD iso to all storage types via browser, even BD works
Works on all nodes, e.g. if you are connected on node1 you can upload images to storage on node2
- Logging
Syslog viewer complete reworked, auto refresh
Clusterwide “Recent tasks”, major improvements
- “Right-click” menus
Starting and shutdown container and VM´s
Open VNC Console
- VNC Console
Can be opened also for non-running container and VM´s (easier to debug startup issues for KVM guests)
- Browser support
Initial support for IE, Firefox and Chrome are preferred (use always latest versions)
- Kernel
Based on vzkernel-2.6.32-042stab042.1.src.rpm
- Countless small bug fixes

Here are the important links:


Documentation (work in progress)

Get involved (incl. links to the public git repository and bugzilla bugtracker):

Proxmox VE 2.0 beta forum


Happy testing, waiting for feedback!
 Proxmox VE 2.0 beta2 released