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An iso of Puppy Linux 2.10alpha is available for download

Puppy version 2.10-alpha live-CD iso file, puppy-2.10alpha-seamonkey.iso, is available here:

The "devx" module, devx_210.sfs is also at the above URL. If you have an earlier one, please update.

This is basically what version 2.10 will be, with bug fixes and some packages upgraded. For example, I expect JWM will be upgraded from 1.7 to 1.8 for the beta release. The kernel is, same as Pup 2.02 and will remain that for the 2.10 final.

To find out what is in this release, read the Developer Notes in this blog. There are some unannounced things, like ISOMaster, that you will find in the Multimedia menu.

This is now the recommended environment for compiling packages for Puppy.

regarding upgrading from 2.02 or earlier, I need to do a bit of work on that. It will probably work, but I recommend making a backup copy of your save_202.3fs file beforehand.
Seamonkey is now v1.0.4 and is using a different "home" directory, so you lose your old bookmarks, history, mail, etc. The old stuff will still be there, and if anyone wants to look into how to copy across any old stuff to the new directory, please do! This release doesn't have Mail&News module of Seamonkey, so all mail is lost -- instead have Sylpheed -- don't know if mail can be imported into Sylpheed.

Regarding Sylpheed, I've installed Bogofilter (for intelligent spam filtering), but haven't attempted to use it. If anyone wants to test that and work out what configuration to do if it doesn't work, please do!

I've put in latest packages that some of the guys have been developing, but not all -- there are some things happening on the forum that I haven't had time to catch up with yet. GuestToo's updated DotPup installer is there. Xdvdtool is also -- but only v0.3 as I didn't put in ffmpeg due to the pkg compiled in T2 has many dependencies -- I think XINE could be used instead.
If you have any other scripts in Puppy, please check them out.

Installing and booting from a SATA hard drive partition is supposed to work. Anyone want to test that?

Note, I went back to Bash 3.0.16, from 3.1. There were script issues, and 3.0.16 is very mature, the last of the 3.0 series.