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Puppy Linux version 2.10 is now available:

Puppy version 2.10 is released. The 'standard' live-CD iso file is named puppy-2.10-seamonkey.iso and the size is 66.6M. Release notes:

A massive upgrade of most package versions. Abiword 2.4.5, Gnumeric 1.6.3, Seamonkey 1.0.4, GTK 2.8.17, Xorg 7.0, etc., etc.

Most of the packages now compiled using the T2 build system. T2 is a set of build scripts for compiling a distro from source.

The "devx" module, file devx_210.sfs, is a simple method of converting Puppy into a complete C/C++ compile environment. There is now a more formal construction of this file, compared with previous ad-hoc approach.

Squashfs now has LZMA compression, allowing us to put more packages into this release, yet the live-CD iso file is smaller. Thanks to the SLAX guys for paving the way for this.

Many more building-block libraries and utilities, particularly for multimedia, such as dvdauthor, ffmpeg, lcms, libdvdplay, libdvdread, libsamplerate, libsndfile, madplay, readline, bc, sqlite, reiserfsprogs, rutilt, vamps, and vobcopy.

The Smartlink and Lucent soft-modem drivers and support utilities are now in the 'standard' live-CD.

Sweep replaces mhWaveEdit sound recorder and editor. WishCD CD burner replaces Graveman, for now at least as Graveman has bugs. InkLite vector editor replaces the full Inkscape. PuppyROX filemanager replaces ROX-Filer 1.2.2, now with partial font-antialiasing.

Many more PupGet packages that can be installed later, such as NVU, Firefox and Thunderbird.

Many Puppy-enthusiasts have contributed to this release. Jason Pline has created Xdvdtool, for ripping video DVDs. There are other "unsung heroes", such as Dougal, Puppian, Raffy, Lobster, GuestToo ...well, the list goes on, and I plan to create an acknowledgement page soon.

Regarding bugs, there are some that we know of, that will be fixed later. For example Gxine, the multimedia player, cannot switch to full-screen video playing -- this is due to a limitation in JWM. XfreeCD, audio CD player, hangs if a CD is not inserted before the application is started.

Puppy 'standard' 2.10 live-CD iso file may be downloaded from various sites. See the Download page for links:

The matching file for compiling C/C++ source packages is devx_210.sfs and this is to be found at

I am no longer selling the "Puppy Sourcerer" CD. Instead all source packages are online. See the Download page for links:

There is a new page, titled "Puppy From Scratch", that introduces T2 and how Puppy utilises T2, plus how Puppy Unleashed fits into the overall picture:

For more information about this release, please read down this blog.

List of packages included in the 'standard' live-CD 2.10:

0rootfs_skeleton-2.1.0 abiword-2.4.5 afpl_ghostscript-8.54 agenda-2.0 alsa_lib-1.0.11 alsa_utils-1.0.11 atk-1.11.4 audiofile-0.2.6 autocutsel-0.7.1 autologin-1 axel-1.0a bash-3.0.16 bbc_provided-2003 bc-1.06 bcrypt-1.1 betaftpd-0.0.8pre17 blinky-0.8 boehm_gc-6.6 bubbles-1.0.2a busybox-1.01 bwidget-1.3.1 bzip2-1.0.3 cairo-1.0.4 cdp-0.33.13 cdparanoia-3.a9.8 cdrdao-1.2.1 cdrtools-2.01.01a10 cgtkcalc-2.1.6 combobox-2.3 coreutils-5.2.1 countdown-2003.10.27 cpio-2.6 cramfs_tools-1.1 curl-7.15.3 db1-1.85 dhcpcd-1.3.22 dialog-0.9b dict-1.4.9 didiwiki-0.5 diffutils-2.8.1 dillo-0.8.6teki-mu disktype-8 dnotify-0.18.0 dosfstools-2.11 dotpup_downloader-mu05 dotpuphandler-3.1 dvdauthor-0.6.12patched dvd+rwtools-5.21 e2fsprogs-1.38 e3-2.7.0 ed-0.2 edid-1.4.1 eject-2.1.0 expat-2.0.0 eznet-1 ffmpeg-2005-11-20 file-4.17 findutils-4.2.22 fragger-0.0.5 freememapplet-1.2.1 freetype-2.1.10 fribidi-0.10.7 ftp-1.2 fuse-2.5.3 gaim-1.5.0 gawk-3.1.5 gbase-0.5 gcc-3.4.4 gcrontab-0.8.0 gdbm-1.8.3 gdk_pixbuf10-0.22.0 gdkxft-1.5 gdmap-0.7.5 geany-0.8 gemgame-2003 gettext-0.14.5 gftp-2.0.18 gifsicle-1.40 gimp_print-4.2.7 gkdial-1.5.14patched glib12-1.2.10 glib-2.10.2 glibc-2.3.5 gnumeric-1.6.3 goffice-0.2.1 gparted_STATIC_GTKMM-0.2.4 gpasman-1.3.1 grabc-1.1 grep-2.5.1 grub-0.97 gsview-4.7 gtail-0.5a gtimer-1.1.6 gtk+12-1.2.10 gtk+-2.8.17 gtkcat-0.1patched gtkdialog-0.58.8 gtkdialog-0.59.8 gtkdiff-0.7.0 gtkfind-1.0.1 gtkfish-1.0.1 gtksee-0.6.0b-1 gtk_shell-1.03 gxine-0.5.7 gxset-0.3 gzip-1.3.5 hdparm-6.6 ical-2.3.1patched ifplugd-0.18 ifplugd-0.28 img-1.2.4 imlib-1.9.15 inkscapelite-0.36.2 iptables-1.3.5 isomaster-0.1 jwm-1.7 jwmconfig-0.2.1 kbd-1.12 kp-1.0 lame-3.96.1 lcms-1.14 leafpad-0.8.1 less-382 libao-0.8.6 libart_lgpl23-2.3.17 libdaemon-0.8 libdvdcss-1.2.9 libdvdplay-1.0.1 libdvdread-0.9.6 libexif-0.6.13 libexif_gtk-0.3.5 libghttp10-1.0.9 libgif-4.1.4 libglade-2.5.1 libgnomecanvas-2.14.0 libgnomeprint-2.12.1 libgnomeprintui-2.12.1 libgsf-1.14.1 libhardware-20060723 libid3tag-0.15.1b libidl-0.8.6 libidn-0.6.2 libieee1284-0.2.8 libjpeg-6b libmad-0.15.1b libmng-1.0.9 libogg-1.1.3 libpng-1.2.8 libsamplerate-0.1.2 libsigc++-2.0.17 libsndfile-1.0.16 libstdc++-5.0.6 libtiff-3.7.4 libusb-0.1.11 libvorbis-1.1.2 libxaw95-1.1.4 libxml-2.6.26 libxslt-1.1.15 libzvt-2.0.1 linneighborhood-0.6.5patched linux_firewall-2.0rc9 ltmodem-2.6.8alk-k2.6.16.7 madplay-0.15.2b memtester-2.93.1 metamail-2.7 mimencode-2.7 mini_volume-0.3 minixcal-1.1 mktemp-1.5 ml-2000 modem_stats-1.0.1 module_init_tools-3.2.2 mp-3.3.7 mpcb-0.4.2 mtools-3.9.10 mtoolsfm-1.9 mtpaint-3.01 mut-0.1.1 ncurses-5.4 ndiswrapper-1.16 nenscript-1.13.3 netpbm-1.0.33 net_tools-1.60 ntfs_3g-20060714beta ntfsprogs-1.13.0 nullhttpd-0.5.1 openssh-4.3p2 openssl-0.9.8b orbit2-2.14.0 pango-1.12.2 parted- pciutils-2.1.11 pcmcia_cs-3.2.8 pcmciautils-012 pcre-6.6 pdq-2.2.1 perl-5.8.8tiny perl_digest_sha1-2.10 perl_html_parser-3.51 picocom-1.2 popt-1.7 ppp-2.4.3 pptp_linux-1.5.0 psmisc-22.2 pstoedit-3.44 puppybackground-2.1 puppyserialdetect-1.0 qiv-2.0 rdesktop-1.4.1 readline-5.1 regexpviewer-0.1 reiserfsprogs-3.6.19 remotedesktopclient-0.1 rexgrep-1.2 ripperx-2.6.7 rox_puppy- rp_pppoe-3.7patched rubix-1.03 rutilt-0.12 rxvt-2.6.4 samba-3.0.22 scale2x-2.0 seamonkey_SVG-1.0.4 sed-4.1.4 setserial-2.17 setvol-1.1 slmodem-2.9.11patched-k2.6.16.7 sockspy-2.5 sox-12.18.1 sqlite-3.3.5 squashfs_tools-3.0.lzma_patch ssh_gui-0.7.1 stat-5.0 sudo-1.6.8p12 superscan-0.8 sweep-0.9.1 sysfsutils-2.0.0 syslinux-3.11 tar-1.15.1 tcl-8.5a4nothreads test-1 tightvnc-1.2.9 time-1.7 tinylogin-1.4 tk-8.5a4nothreads tkconvert-1.3 tkdvd-4.0.1r1 tkfont-1.1patched tkgamma-1.0 tkmines-1999 transmission-0.5 turma-0.1 unclutter-0.8-11 unionfs-1.2.0-20060503 unrar-3.4.3 unzip-552 uri-1.1.3 usbview-1.0 util_linux-2.12q uxplor-0.26patched vamps-0.99.2 vobcopy-1.0.0 wag-0.3.2 wavemon-2002 wavplay-1.4 wget-1.10.2 wireless_tools-28 wishcd-2006ez wmpower-0.3.1 wmsm-0.2.0 wvdial-1.53 wxbasicscript-2.2k-puppy xarchive-0.2.8-6 xcut-0.2 xdialog-2.1.1 xdvdtool-0.4.2 xfinans-5.9y2k xfreecd- xine_lib-1.1.1 xlockmore-5.20.1patched xnetload-1.11.3 xnetstrength-0.4.2 xorg-7.0 xproc-1.2 xrun-0.2.3 xtmix-0.4 xvesa-4.3.0v2-xkbd xwconfig-0 xwget-0.4.1 xwhois-0.4.2 xwifibar-0 ycalc-1.09.1 zip-231 zlib-1.2.3
