Red Hat 9062 Published by

PC World posted a story on the new Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.2

RHEL 6.2 also offers new features to boost reliability and improve I/O performance.

"As systems get more complex, and [run] more consolidated workloads, it becomes increasingly important to be able to efficiently deploy and manage these large-scale systems," said Tim Burke, Red Hat vice president of Linux engineering.

For storage, RHEL 6.2 is the first version to fully support iSCSI extension of RDMI (Remote Directory Memory Access). This will allow organizations to achieve the throughput of a (SAN) storage area network using iSCSI disks and Ethernet. "iSCSI obviates the need for separate Fibre Channel hardware, enabling you to use commodity Ethernet channels for your storage infrastructure," Burke said. As a result, "RHEL 6.2 can be used as a storage server."
  Red Hat RHEL 6.2 Boosts Storage Capabilities