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An OpenShift Container Platform 4.7.4 security update has been released.

RHSA-2021:0957-01: Moderate: OpenShift Container Platform 4.7.4 security update

Red Hat Security Advisory

Synopsis: Moderate: OpenShift Container Platform 4.7.4 security update
Advisory ID: RHSA-2021:0957-01
Product: Red Hat OpenShift Enterprise
Advisory URL:
Issue date: 2021-03-30
CVE Names: CVE-2020-27827 CVE-2020-35498 CVE-2021-3114

1. Summary:

Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform release 4.7.4 is now available with
updates to packages and images that fix several bugs and add enhancements.

Red Hat Product Security has rated this update as having a security impact
of Moderate. A Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) base score, which
gives a detailed severity rating, is available for each vulnerability from
the CVE link(s) in the References section.

2. Description:

Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform is Red Hat's cloud computing
Kubernetes application platform solution designed for on-premise or private
cloud deployments.

Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform is Red Hat's cloud computing
Kubernetes application platform solution designed for on-premise or private
cloud deployments.

This advisory contains the container images for Red Hat OpenShift Container
Platform 4.7.4. See the following advisory for the RPM packages for this

Space precludes documenting all of the container images in this advisory.
See the following Release Notes documentation, which will be updated
shortly for this release, for details about these changes:

This update fixes the following bugs among others:

* A flaw was found in golang: crypto/elliptic, in which P-224 keys as
generated could return incorrect inputs, which reduced the strength of the
cryptography. The greatest threat to the system was confidentiality and
integrity. (BZ#1918750)

* This update adds new capabilities to the Baremetal Operator, allowing for
different reboot modes to be utilized. This allows workloads to be
relocated as quickly as possible in the event of a node failure.
Additionally, it provides a path for clients to quickly power down systems
for remediation purposes and to recover workloads. As a result, workload
recovery time is significantly reduced. (BZ#1936407)

You may download the oc tool and use it to inspect release image metadata
as follows:

(For x86_64 architecture)

$ oc adm release info

The image digest is

(For s390x architecture)

$ oc adm release info

The image digest is

(For ppc64le architecture)

$ oc adm release info

The image digest is

Security Fix(es):

* golang: crypto/elliptic: incorrect operations on the P-224 curve

For more details about the security issue(s), including the impact, a CVSS
score, acknowledgments, and other related information, refer to the CVE
page(s) listed in the References section.

All OpenShift Container Platform 4.7 users are advised to upgrade to these
updated packages and images when they are available in the appropriate
release channel. To check for available updates, use the OpenShift Console
or the CLI oc command. Instructions for upgrading a cluster are available
- -between-minor.html#understanding-upgrade-channels_updating-cluster-between
- -minor.

3. Solution:

For OpenShift Container Platform 4.7 see the following documentation, which
will be updated shortly for this release, for important instructions on how
to upgrade your cluster and fully apply this asynchronous errata update:

Details on how to access this content are available at
- -cli.html.

4. Bugs fixed (

1910352 - When creating a worker with a used mac-address stuck on registering
1918750 - CVE-2021-3114 golang: crypto/elliptic: incorrect operations on the P-224 curve
1922417 - Issue configuring nodes with VLAN and teaming
1927554 - [sig-devex][Feature:ImageEcosystem][Slow] openshift sample application repositories rails/nodejs/cakephp
1929257 - The KubeletConfigController cannot process multiple confs for a pool/ pool changes
1929371 - 4.7 CNO claims to be done upgrading before it even starts
1929721 - Enable host-based disk encryption on Azure platform
1930106 - Cannot IPI with tang/tpm disk encryption
1930152 - Web console crashes during VM creation from template when no storage classes are defined
1931401 - test: openshift-tests.[sig-cli] oc observe works as expected [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]
1931863 - NetworkManager overlay FS not being created on None platform
1931950 - Whereabouts IPv6 addresses not calculated when leading hextets equal 0
1933839 - Panic in OLM packageserver when invoking webhook authorization endpoint
1934645 - [4.7z] Need BFD failover capability on ECMP routes
1935636 - High RAM usage on machine api termination node system oom
1936707 - New CSV using ServiceAccount named "default" stuck in Pending during upgrade
1936803 - Support ServiceBinding 0.5.0+
1936861 - (release-4.7] Configmap gatherer doesn't include namespace name (in the archive path) in case of a configmap with binary data
1937313 - Topology view - vm details screen isntt stop loading
1937469 - Pod/node/ip/template isn't showing when vm is running
1937695 - ironic image "/" cluttered with files
1937829 - ovn-kube must handle single-stack to dual-stack migration
1937998 - [4.7] wrong community catalog image reference
1938405 - catalog operator causing CPU spikes and bad etcd performance
1939218 - Images built on OCP 4.6 clusters create manifests that result in (and other registries) rejecting those manifests
1939278 - Backport Avoid node disruption when kube-apiserver-to-kubelet-signer is rotated
1939477 - CI tests using openshift/hello-world broken by Ruby Version Update
1940283 - [VPA] Updater failed to trigger evictions due to "vpa-admission-controller" not found
1941297 - OCP-Metal images

5. References:

6. Contact:

The Red Hat security contact is . More contact
details at

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