Rocky Linux 766 Published by

Jordan Pisaniello published another update on the upcoming RHEL based Rocky Linux. The release candidate of Rocky Linux 8.3 should be released this Friday.

Community Update - April 2021

There’s been a flurry of activity this month as we approach the general availability of our release candidate for Rocky Linux 8.3. The Development team has been holding regular hack-a-thon sessions with the community in our  ~Dev/Packaging channel, we’re now self hosting (no longer dependent on upstream packages), and a minimal ISO was produced and tested. The Infrastructure team has been working on getting Mirror Manager stood up, and we’ve been in contact with many of the folks who’ve offered to host mirrors. The Website team has our downloads page ready to go, as well as our documentation engine, where the Docs team will be locating all the great content they’ve authored. We’ve also started a Testing team, which will be responsible for the validation and error reporting of our release candidate. Finally, we’re excited to announce that Fastly and NAVER Cloud have been onboarded as Partners (and we have a few more on the way!).


  • Build systems and infrastructure readiness - January 31 [DONE]
  • Automatic package build infrastructures - January 31 [DONE]
  • Testing package repository made public - February 28 [DONE]
  • Installer testing readiness - February 28 [DONE]
  • ETA for length of time needed for community testing - April 30 [On Pace]
  • Release candidate availability - April 30 [On Pace]

Community Update - April 2021