Rocky Linux 766 Published by

Jordan Pisaniello published an update on the upcoming RHEL based Rocky Linux.

Community Update - February 2021


Release engineering is on pace with the timelines previously documented to provide a release of Rocky Linux by Q2 2021. The infrastructure team is working on automation in their area to facilitate the deployment of build infrastructure in additional regions. We’ve finalized our sponsorship model, and are as well open to partnerships for deeper collaboration. We’ve drafted our organizational structure, as well as our community charter. Finally, we’ve secured authorization from The Linux Foundation to license Rocky Linux under the Rocky Software Enterprise Foundation, which is the official legal entity that represents Rocky Linux and fosters its growth.


In our previous update, we listed a number of items and gave dates to them. We remain committed to delivering an initial release of Rocky Linux by Q2. Here are what we listed previously, and where we stand with each:

  • Build systems and infrastructure readiness - January 31 [DONE]
  • Automatic package build infrastructures - January 31 [DONE]
  • Testing package repository made public - February 28 [In progress]
  • Installer testing readiness - February 28 [In progress]
  • ETA for length of time needed for community testing - March 31 [In progress]
  • Release candidate availability - March 31 [On Pace]

Community Update - February 2021