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Sabayon Linux x86/x86-64 3.4 Revision F has been released

Install the Sabayon Linux Operating System and unleash the full potential of your Computer. Sabayon Linux features the most advanced Industry Open Source technologies: no hassles.

Distribution updates:
Live boot is now 3 times faster thanks to our improved OpenGL configuration tool
Beagle only runs on-demand
Portage has been updated with performance patches
Entropy stack has been updated to the latest SVN (intended as technology preview)
- Dependencies resolution code completed
- Removal dependencies resolution code in testing (not completed)
- etc-update alike tool needs to be written
- Pre/post install/remove scripting functions need to be written
- Branches support need a rewrite
- Multi source download support completed
- Query tools almost completed
- Code split is on the way
- Database API is almost complete (and will be extended with extra functionalities)
- 3rd party interface structured
- ETA? End of the year.
Installer updates:
- Vim is on the Core Install along with groff (man pages issue fixed)
- Better release handling
- Initial Entropy integration
Bluetooth stack updated
Ext4 support improved (new e2fsprogs)
ATi video drivers updated to 8.40.4
Sabayon Linux x86/x86-64 3.4 Revision F