SparkyLinux 74 Published by

A release candidate for SparkyLinux 7.1 for the armhf and arm64 architectures is now available.

Sparky 7.1-RC1 armhf & arm64

This is the first release of Sparky 7.1 RC1 “Orion Belt” targeted to the single board mini computers Raspberry Pi.

– based on Debian 12 “Bookworm”
– added packages: exaile, radiostation, libreoffice, rpi-imager
– jgmenu replaced openbox-menu
– added pcmanfm daemon to openbox autostart, which lets you automount external drives now

ARM user:password – pi:sparky

New images can be downloaded from the download/stable page.

It took 5 days, 8 builds, and a few issues to finally done it; report whatever you find, please.


Sparky 7.1-RC1 armhf & arm64 - SparkyLinux