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SUSE Linux Enterprise 10 has reached it's end of life. Here the announcement:

SUSE released the final regular maintenance update for SUSE Linux
Enterprise 10 Service Pack 4 August 2nd 2013, according to our SUSE Linux
Enterprise Server product lifecycle and support policies. This release
marks the end of the General Support and Maintenance phase of the SUSE
Linux Enterprise 10 codestream.

As an important benefit of our subscription model and product, active
product subscriptions entitle you to access, deploy and operate the
most recent available product version. Recommended successor version
and details of SUSE Linux Enterprice lifecycle can be reviewed at .

We encourage you and recommend to plan and to migrate to a more
recent version of the products mentioned below, if not already done.
Please note, we support product migration and update, for e.g. SLES 10
SP4 to SLES 11 SP3, to ease migration and upgrade.

In case you like to continue to run
* SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP3
* SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP4,
and continue to receive maintenance and support, we offer a Long Term
Service Pack Support (LTSS) program.

Long Term Service Pack Support (LTSS), available for x86, x86-64 and IBM
System z architectures, enables you to extend the lifecycle of each major
version of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server up to an additional 3 years, for a
total of ten years. An active SUSE Linux Enterprise Server subscription is
required and configuration limitations apply. Details of the LTSS program
can be found at

Detailed information about released functional and security udpates
can be retrieved at and .

SUSE Linux Enterprise 10 End of General Support marks the end of the
General Support and Maintenance phase of the SUSE Linux Enterprise
10 and all related service packs, dated 2013-08-01. Accordingly we
will no longer provide updated packages and technical support for the
following products:

* SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 all service packs
* SUSE Linux Enterprise SDK 10 all service packs
* SUSE Linux Enterprise Realtime 10 all service packs
* SUSE Subscription Management Tool (SMT) 10 all service packs

If you have any question, please don't hesitate to contact us:
  SUSE Linux Enterprise 10 End of General Support