Debian 10281 Published by

New SysCP packages are available for Debian Woody and Debian Sarge

SysCP, the System Control Panel is a server administration tool which enables an internet service provider to give their customers a web-based application to administrate their email addresses, their subdomains etc.

The project was founded in autumn 2003 by Florian Lippert and was published on June, 15th 2004 under the [GNU General Public License (GPL)]. SysCP is developed for use with [Debian], but with [some modifications] it should run on every server system.

The following has been changed since release 1.2.5:

* Added a brand new design made by Kirill Bauer. Thanks!
* Now there is no fixed catchall-keyword anymore - you can just define an email-address as a catchall-address.
* ProFTP passwords are now encryptet using UNIX crypt(). /etc/proftpd.conf needs to be altered.
* Redesigned error document handling. Error documents now have to be a url.
* When a user is created, a htpasswd with his loginname and his password will be added for /webalizer/.
* If the domain is a speciallogfile domain, an alias for webalizer will be generated automatically.
* Bugfix: Fixed a security flaw with session handling. (Bug #27)
* Bugfix: Fixed little typo in cronscript.php. (Bug #26)
* Bugfix: Fixed a nasty thing with the errorreporting in the cron_tasks.php (thanks to miles for the patch).

Due to the new encryption of FTP-passwords you have to rewrite the /etc/proftpd.conf.